Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN.

      1512 years ago

      Just adding that no one is obligated to continue to be a republican, loyalty to a political party is a recipe for totalitarianism.

        502 years ago

        It’s so fucking strange too. It’s like they brought this new TV and they’ll be damned if they’re going to be told it doesn’t work as well as advertised. I would think we could all unite about this, and we could show the world that not even the president can evade justice. But instead they’re still selling him hard.

        Republicans: {smacks Donald’s ass} “This baby here can fuck up at least 10 democracies.”

        • Flying Squid
          442 years ago

          A big part of many Republicans’ mindsets seem to be “how dare you tell me I’m wrong! Just for that, I’m going to double down!” Like I’ve seen it in things as petty as Republicans being told they’re using a comma the wrong way and then continuing to use it that way out of spite.

        • mrbubblesort
          102 years ago

          Bit of an aside, but one the smartest things I’ve ever done was after my dad brought his new TV and had just hooked it up, I quickly used the parental controls to delete Fox News from the channel lineup while he was looking away. He never even noticed, and he’s in a much better mental state now.

          • Queen HawlSera
            22 years ago

            Ever hear of the documentary “The Brainwashing Of My Dad”

            It details how a sweet man became a monster when he started watching Fox, and went back to normal when the family intervened and stopped him from watching it.

            It’s a recurring thing, people become terrible when they watch Fox, they snap out of it when access to Fox is blocked.

            • mrbubblesort
              12 years ago

              Yes actually! I 100% totally understand that movie, and saw it happen repeatedly with many family members

        • Nougat
          52 years ago

          Republicans: {smacks Donald’s ass}

          That’s why they all smell like they have adult diaper leak on them!

        332 years ago

        People treat political parties like sports teams, taking credit for all their victories while distancing themselves personally from every loss. WE won vs THEY blew it. I my anecdotal experience it’s especially bad on the right. Most conservative voters I know proudly say they’re a Republican but liberal voters will only say they vote Democrat, not that they are one.

        The two party system was a mistake

              32 years ago

              That oft repeated claim of parallelism between the US Democrats and the CPC might have been more true in the past. I think there are significant differences nowadays as Poilievre plays with populist rhetoric and policy ideas. Considering the voting base the CPC is attempting to court, I’m not sure those two political parties are really in the same boat.

          • Alex
            12 years ago

            The outcome of FPTP-voting is naturally a two party system, the ancient wealthy romans designed it so deliberately in order for them to easily manipulate regardless of election outcomes to maintain their wealth and power. Everywhere it is used politics degenerate into voters being reduced to pick between “business as usual” and “tax cuts for the rich.” Wealthy donors play both horses and don’t really care about the outcome except when some progressive candidate appears and they find themselves forced to run some interference behind the scenes to help even the odds back to the usual bread and circus’ that they prefer.

    • Neato
      2 years ago

      We watched Trump go on national TV before the election and asked Russia to help him win the election. A foreign hostile country was invited to interfere with our democracy.

      And Russia complied. That day.. How anyone thinks Trump and his supporters aren’t traitors is mine boggling.

      And then a number is Republicans went to Moscow on the 4th of July a few years later. I’ve never seen such an obvious case of someone’s handler making a statement.

      372 years ago

      Well said. Fascists only understand force. When you negotiate with them they see you as weak. We must call them by their name.

    • UltraMagnus0001
      2 years ago

      Don’t forget Cambridge Analytica. Social Media with the help of Ai will help them to guide us and we’ll be more productive for them.

      102 years ago

      America needs a new conservative party so that the republicans who are still sane don’t feel like crazy town is their only option to avoid being disenfranchised.

        292 years ago

        You have a new Conservative party, it’s called the Dems, what you need is a new progressive party to catch up with the rest of the developed world.

      -32 years ago

      Jezus America are you ok? So about half your country are traitors as far as the other half is concerned? I’m not condemning or anything but fighting amongst yourselves like this is not going to work either.

        2 years ago

        It’s not half, more like about 1/3, but it’s also a little more complicated than that. Basically it’s all the fault of the first past the post voting system. Because of that, the only winning strategy is a two party system, any party beyond the main two only functions as a spoiler for one of the two. As such, a lot of different policies that aren’t really connected in any way end up mashed sort of arbitrarily into one of those two parties. Republicans due to events in the Nixon presidency ended up latching onto evangelical Christians, policies that favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class (usually spun as fiscally responsible), and racists (lots of overlap between evangelical Christians and racists, so that’s almost redundant). Over the years the economic policies have gotten a fresh coat of paint by way of the debunked trickle down economics theory which was used as a rallying cry to oppose any regulations such as environmental and pollution controls, or policies that favored the public at the expense of corporations because the “free market” would solve all problems. Democrats then embraced essentially the opposite of all of those positions, so wound up with socially progressive policies almost by default as reactions to the policies being pushed by the racists. This is for instance how Democrats ended up being pro-choice, as the Republicans had taken an anti-abortion stance at the urging of the extreme elements of their Christian demographic.

        Ironically we’ve come full circle now with Republicans ending up with many policies by default in reaction to policies being pushed by Democrats. The Republicans of today are mostly defined not by any particular policy or goal other than their historical ones and a broad opposition to all policies pushed by Democrats. They general don’t have a stance on a policy until they hear what the Democrats position will be at which point they take up whatever the opposite of that is. This is part of how Republicans ended up as the party of the gun nut. The Democrats in the late 80s and early 90s attempted to pass some gun regulations which angered the largest gun manufacturer lobbying group, the NRA, who then spent the decades since then painting the Democrats as wanting to repeal the second amendment and disarm the American public. This in turn has led the Republicans to fully embrace removing and opposing any regulations on guns.

        As the generations that grew up in a segregation era US are dying off though the Republicans are finding themselves with increasingly diminished support for their racist policies. Compounding that is that decades of free market policies and consistent push back and removal of regulations has demonstrated that the “free market will sort it out” claims are complete bullshit and just leads to things getting worse, not better, at least to anyone who has been remotely paying attention. As a result we’ve recently seen the Republicans pivot to embrace anti-diversity policies such as opposition to pro-LGBTQ policies (once again driven at least initially by their religious extremists) as well as policies designed to white-wash past racism and push a revisionist American history that paints the American civil war as primarily being motivated by disagreements about the structure of the US government rather than about opposition to ending slavery.

        Forty years ago the Republicans were an even mix of racists and conservative economic policies. These days they’re mostly just the racists and a small minority of true believers in trickle down economics. Since they no longer have the numbers to win elections legitimately they’ve increasingly embraced various anti-democratic policies that allow them to retain control. Until recently, relatively “normal” tricks like gerrymandering and voter suppression in conjunction with a generally lukewarm support for Democrats (who have had their own issues of late, mostly around running profoundly milquetoast candidates) have allowed the minority of Republicans to maintain control. Now that even that no longer appears to be enough to keep them in power they’re increasingly turning to outright illegal activities like voter fraud and as we saw on the 6th, insurrection. While not every person who votes Republican takes part in or even supports such illegal activities, it’s quickly approaching the point at which they will need to confront the fact that those tactics have become a core part of their parties policies, so continued support for the party is tacit approval of such tactics. Many of them no doubt will continue to support the Republican party under a ends justifies the means stance, but hopefully the misguided ones who legitimately believe in trickle down economics can be convinced that such tactics are a bridge too far.

      • LemmyLefty
        2 years ago

        This statement is trying to go for neutrality in the same way that asking a woman clutching a black eye “What did you say to him?” is just gathering information.

        That is: it’s not, we see through it, and we’re tired of it.

          • Pat
            -92 years ago

            You guys are 31 trillion in debt. You aren’t rich, you’re just borrow money you can’t pay back and keep increasing your debt limit.

            It’s nice spending money that’s not yours until the lenders get fed up about the lack of payments and you default and go into bankruptcy. I cannot wait until the US debt situation explodes, watching from half way around the world.

            And yes I’m aware pretty much every nation is in debt, but not to the extent the US is. But the US is by far the most in the hole.

            I don’t know why Americans think they’re hot shit. You’re literally just an echo chamber the rest of the world laughs at.

        32 years ago

        yes he will be first against the wall, mainly because he spoke out about them, the self purging doesn’t start until after the fascist takeover.

        and yes an.6 was an attempt to depose the democratically elected government, and yes it had planning, why do you think they had the gallows put up so fast? why do you think the people who broke in were armed and had cable ties? you know, the ones literally caught on video