Sherri Tenpenny is no longer a licensed physician after airing fringe comments and ducking investigators.

  • magnetosphere
    352 years ago

    At first, I thought that revoking her license on procedural grounds, rather than addressing the nonsense she was spewing, was a cowardly decision. After some thought, I realized that the board probably did the right thing. They are using this opportunity to reinforce the board’s authority, which is essential. They’re also giving themselves a second chance to revoke her license on professional grounds, in case she fights the procedural decision in court and somehow wins.

    Also, I wonder how the Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom feel about a woman’s right to choose? I can only guess, but this “nonpartisan” group provides a handy election guide which endorses every Republican and absolutely no Democrats. That might be a clue. I bet they don’t even see the hypocrisy of using the words “Medical Freedom “, because they don’t acknowledge that abortion is health care.