I’m having my comments I made the past few days receive zero engagements. It’s not just me losing the early bird lottery too; my replies to a highly engaged comment has zero likes, while several comments immediately after me has double digits. It’s nothing incendiary at all, just normal people’s comments. But something just tripped the enigmatic AI and thenceforth I’m shadow banned.

Why you should know this?

Because YouTube is being a thought police between creators and their communities. It feels to me like 99.999% of creators on YouTube have no idea that this is happening, that honest to goodness people’s engagements are never going to reach them on the platform; they’re being silently silenced, by an AI that is figuratively a black box.

Look at this screenshot. If that’s not damning evidence you tell me what is.


The comment is straight up gone when viewing with a logged out tab. I’m definitely 100% shadow banned right now.

  • TheEntity
    92 years ago

    I can see where you are coming from, though I must disagree with the implementation of this system. Firstly, it’s applying a de facto punishment without ever informing the target about them being punished in the first place. For all we know they might not even be aware they should refrain from certain behaviors. Secondly, they either did deserve a punishment or they didn’t. It doesn’t need to be a “ban or not ban” situation, I’m all for more nuance (a warning, a short-term ban, you get the idea), but we shouldn’t just put anyone on probation just in case, just to observe them in isolation first.

    • PrinzKasper
      102 years ago

      Shadow Banning is very useful for spam bots. If you let them know they’re banned, they’ll just open a new account. But if YouTube keeps accepting their comments with a smile on its face before immediately tossing those comments into the shredder, it’ll take some time before the bot figures out what’s going on.

      • TheEntity
        22 years ago

        Good point, I didn’t consider the bot scenario. I can see it working here. Same thing with very obvious bad actors. What I oppose is using it as a regular punishment for regular users just crossing boundaries.

    • amigan
      22 years ago

      We’re not talking about habeas corpus, we’re talking about the dubious ability to post on a private website’s comments section that has been widely regarded as a cesspool for over a decade. As someone else in this thread pointed out, this is being taken too seriously.