Really good article I read today. I was already impressed by the first hype of image generators but since haven’t informed myself much. They got really good lately apparently. I can’t decide if I am concerned or impressed. Do you think this would actually be used for something other than memes and misinformation? I thought I might share it and hear your opinions.

    7 months ago

    Before photographs or audio recordings to prove something, I understand that it was common to have trusted individuals or entities attest to something.

    That’s a technology that we haven’t used for a while, but I imagine that we could dust it off and use it for many of the same roles as we do recordings. Could probably have services that just deal with that.

      67 months ago

      Testimony has always existed in the court room, it hasn’t gone away. The relative difficulty of believable photo manipulation to add in new subjects, has up until now been out of reach for the average person so generally speaking it’s been a nice enhancement of authenticity to testimony.

      27 months ago

      I think chain of custody will be more important than eyewitness testimony in the future. In the case of CCTV or body cam footage, it will be a combination of the footage being digitally signed by the recording device, and being able to prove the footage could not have been tampered with along the way.

      So, a record of where and when the footage was recorded, when it was transferred from the device, where it was held after this, and that the storage location was also secure.