• @JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee
    87 months ago

    I’m on state insurance right now. Trying to find a dentist in my area that accepts it to deal with a broken tooth has been a nightmare. So I get to live in pain until I find someone. Yay.

    On the other hand, before I lost my private insurance, all the dentists accepted what we had. However, my husband needed wisdom teeth extracted and it cost us a couple thousand out of pocket…

    It’s like you’re fucked no matter what. I’m actually pretty afraid I might get an infection and die or something if I can’t get this taken care of. It’s been cracked for a year now and the keeps getting worse.

    I honestly feel like they want non-wealthy people to die with the way things work. If you don’t have deep pockets, you don’t get medical care.

    • halyk.the.red
      57 months ago

      I think we’re all fucked, because the monsters who run all of this value money over other’s lives, and it helps with military retention. I’m sure there are people who wanted to get out of the service, but were worried about healthcare costs.

      The private sector doesn’t care, as long as the lines keep going up. And the government doesn’t want to lose one of their sticks to keep people on their bases and ships.

      So they’ll buy mansions, and yachts, and travel the world. While I have to sit at home, just waiting for the day to be able to afford a vacation. And I’ll sit and watch as our tax money is used by private businesses for stadiums, or mine-resistant vehicles for suburban cops, or to turn brown children into skeletons.

      All the while, you’re sitting there with constant pain and all the world cares about is the amount of testosterone in athletes at the Olympics. That’s what’s driving conversations these days. More circuses to distract us from the real problems.

      • @JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee
        37 months ago

        It’s genuinely fucked up. One of my coworkers is 19 and already has medical debt. Fucking 19! She’s still in school ffs.

        There’s so many people in worse positions than me, and it’s so wrong in so many ways. Like… gofundme campaigns for folks with cancer shouldn’t need to be a thing.

        No one should have to forgo medical care due to expense, or lose their home because they got hurt in way that can’t be ignored.

        And it’s even worse because you’re right about the stupid bullshit controversies that keep us distracted from being mad about the real, everyday issues you pointed out. Its… really demoralizing sometimes.

    • @GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      I don’t know if this will help but depending on where you live there maybe a local-ish dental school where you can get discounted dental work. You just have to be willing to let students do the work. It takes longer because they are still learning but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper.

      • @JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee
        37 months ago

        Thank you for the advice! I did find one dental school that’s through a pretty large college, but can’t seem to find a way to make an appointment or anything like that. Just application stuff.

        I’ll have to look some more and maybe call a few phone numbers and see if anyone can help point me in the right direction.

        I really appreciate the info!! I have a little hope now, thank you so much!

        • @GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world
          27 months ago

          Glad I could help. Another avenue maybe through dental hygienist schools. They won’t be able to fix your tooth but they may have contact information that can point you in the right direction.

          I hope the best for you.