My buddy wants to play Baldur’s Gate 3 but I don’t feel like paying for it.

    12 years ago

    I understand it a bit differently. In sentence “I don’t feel like paying” can be hidden different things and most probably a combination of few.

    Maybe “i am ashamed I can not afford it” or " not sure if friend can afford it rigth now" or just plain old 'if we really like it we might find money for it, but are not sure we like it enough and that amount of money is serious expense for both of us".

      02 years ago

      Say “I can’t pay for it now” or “I don’t want to pay for it yet” or something then… “I don’t feel like paying for it” has a connotation of “I could pay, but I want it for free” rather than even “I don’t want to pay for it” which can be taken from more viewpoints such as “it’s too expensive right now to justify paying, I’ll wait for it to come on sale” or “I’m not ready to pay for it until I’ve tried it”

        02 years ago

        You don’t really understand humans, do you? Or you don’t want to accept what being human is?