It was frightening, and all too familiar. The family had previously been forced to flee as a wildfire bore down on another mountain town they called home: Paradise.

Now, with their path blocked and a horizon swallowed by flames, Kristy had an eerie feeling they were going to lose all they’d fought to build.

“I kind of knew then, like, we’re never coming home again — again, again,” she said.

The Camp fire, the deadliest in California history, devastated Paradise in 2018, consuming thousands of homes, including the Daneaus’.

They relocated to the town of Cohasset, putting them in the direct path of another wildfire, one that has since become the state’s fifth largest on record. Within just six years, the family again found themselves in jeopardy.

The trio eventually made it to safety, trekking seven hours down an unpaved loggers’ road to Chico. But their home in Cohasset was no match for an inferno’s fury.

“We’re starting completely over, again,” said Michael Daneau, 41. Every property they’ve ever owned has “burned to the ground with no value and nothing to our name.”

  • HonkyTonkWoman
    8 months ago

    People have homes, people build communities, people build families. Those things are not easy for some people to live without.

    If you have an easy time walking away from those things, especially after you’ve lost everything, twice, then good for you. You truly have the ability only care for yourself & you’ll go far on your own

    You can’t reduce human life down to a single decision & if you continue judging everyone so harshly for making a decision you wouldn’t, you’re going to run out of people to judge faster then you’d expect.

    Take care of yourself friend. Your black & white outlook on the human decision making capacity is pretty wild. You should write up a paper on it.

    Edit: and for the record, my argument was never that people get to do what they want. Of course they don’t.

    My argument was & still is, this a far more complicated situation than you’re willing to acknowledge. Additionally, your willingness to shit on those involved from a distance & reduce them to “idiots” tells me every thing I need to know about who you are as a person.

      18 months ago

      I have never used the word “idiot”, you did. I don’t know if you’re fully in contact with reality at this point.

      • HonkyTonkWoman
        8 months ago

        No, you just blamed someone who has lost their life’s work to tragedy. Twice.

        I was just trying to be a bit more civil while rehashing your repeated disgust for strangers.

          • HonkyTonkWoman
            18 months ago

            Hey, I guess I’m trauma projecting here again, but don’t you think the people who ordered the packages are to blame here? Check out this story.

            I could really use your input on this one. If someone orders a package, should t they expect it to be stolen?

            I mean, I’m following your logic here. The person ordered a package & packages get stolen all the time… so the package ordered should a known right?

            I mean… you have to blame the person that ordered the package here right? There’s no way it’s not the purchasers fault right?

            Am I doing this right?

          • HonkyTonkWoman
            8 months ago

            No my friend. I just stood up for basic human decency.

            You came out to shit on strangers. I’ve got no patience for that.

          • HonkyTonkWoman
            -18 months ago

            Come on Pal? Where you at? You ready to blame some Filipinos for living on an island in the pacific rim?

            They’re just ripe for your type of awfulness and judgement!!

            Go ahead bud, call them a slur. I know you want to.