For the first time in more than seven decades, drivers in Oregon are allowed to pump their own gas.

      -22 years ago

      I’m not for or against this law. I just like not having to get out of my car when it’s freezing outside.

          -12 years ago

          That’s not a good argument. The workers are being paid to do the job. The same way Garbage collecters, crossing guards, etc are being paid to be outside.

            -42 years ago

            How about health? Nobody should have to work a job that puts their future health at risk, especially a pointless job such as this. There are not a ton of studies on it but the ones that have been done show some of the effects from breathing in fumes majority of the day and it does negatively effect you where it could lead to higher % of complications later on. Of course people will argue against these claims, but who really wants to find out? It’s a job nobody should have to do so nobody should have to take the risk at all.

              92 years ago

              I used to change people’s oil for a living and get soaked in the stuff all day long. We should ban lube shops too as changing your own oil is super easy and only takes minutes to do yourself.

              2 years ago

              Should we also eliminat landscaping jobs due to the negative health risk? They’re have to work in the blazing heat of the summer, using loud equipment, breathing in fumes. According to you, we should ban landscaping companies, and make everyone take care of the own lawns and yards.

              Why have flaggers for road work? Drivers should just learn to slow for road work. People shouldn’t be forced to work such a pointless and dangerous job, right?

              Many jobs have some sort of health risk, gas attendents included.

              Once again, I am not for or against the law in NJ. If they got rid of the law tomorrow, than I couldn’t care less. I’m perfectly capable of pumping my own gas, and have done so both in and out of state. I just like the convenience of not having to do it.

              • Nusm
                2 years ago

                Why have flaggers for road work? Drivers should just learn to slow for road work. People shouldn’t be forced to work such a pointless and dangerous job, right?


                  2 years ago

                  So you provide one picture, and that is supposed to negate my argument? There are still flaggers being employed, and you completely ignore the rest of my previous comment.

                  • Nusm
                    2 years ago

                    Dude, I was just being funny. Chill, what is this Reddit??

                2 years ago

                This is such a ridiculous take. If we can get rid of a dangerous job, we should. If we can’t, they should get extra money as hazard pay, not minimum wage or just above it. If the argument is, but that job isn’t hard, maybe just maybe we shouldn’t mandate it exist just for the sake of having anything and actually take care of people.

                  02 years ago

                  Pretty sure landscapers don’t get paid well enough to work such a dangerous job. Almost everyone should capable of mowing there own lawn in 100 degree weather, right?

                  • Their* and you seem to have missed the mandate and conditional portions of my comment. I never said make the job illegal. I said don’t mandate it exists. Funny how that’s different.

        22 years ago

        Where I live, the business can choose. We have both options. People rarely choose the full serve since it’s more expensive.

          22 years ago

          That’s fine as well. If NJ allowed businesses to choose than I’d likely do full serve when I don’t feel like doing myself.