All the principled pirates have jumped ship to lemmy so it was bound to happen sooner than later.

    778 months ago

    Thanks. That’s interesting, I didn’t know the mods here were mods there too. I believe people here wouldn’t be letting things fall apart (there is a reason people moved away from Reddit and the quality of content here is proof).

    I was surprised to see those comments implying the megathread was no longer reliable though, I figured it was a stretch but had no idea why would they be thinking that.

    • recursive_recursion [they/them]
      268 months ago

      That’s interesting, I didn’t know the mods here were mods there too.

      tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case cause after reddit’s self-made implosion with the API access debacle, the majority of us migrated to (fediverse instances such as) mastodon and here