Dr. Jake Kleinmahon, who is just one of three pediatric heart doctors with his specialty in Louisiana, said he feels like the state has targeted families like his.

  • LEX
    -142 years ago

    Let’s be clear. The normal rules are 50 votes to pass legislation. The fillibuster was never meant to be a permanent fixture and needs to be abolished immediately.

    • @dhork@lemmy.world
      142 years ago

      It’s more than just the Filibuster. The Senate rules are complex, on purpose, to make actually getting things done difficult, and revising those rules required unanimous consent.

      Look at what “Coach” Tuberville is doing. There are a bunch of military promotions that require Senate confirmation. The normal process is to debate each one individually. Debating them and approving them together, in one batch, requires changing the rules, which requires Unanimous Consent. Coach is withholding that consent because the military is transporting women in their ranks who need health care that might require abortion to states that allow it. Which has nothing to do with the merits of the promotions.

      He is using the Senate rules as a cudgel to hold Military Readiness hostage until he gets his way. And it’s the inane structure of the Senate rules that allow this.