President Joe Biden promised Black voters Wednesday that he would appoint progressives to the US Supreme Court if elected to a second term, suggesting he expects vacancies on the high court over the next four years.

“The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” he said during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.

It was as explicit a warning as Biden could offer about the stakes of the upcoming election, and a clear reminder that some of the nine justices have entered their seventies.

Clarence Thomas is 75 and Samuel Alito is 74; both are conservative and appointed by Republican presidents. Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal who was nominated by President Barack Obama, turns 70 next month.

    17210 months ago

    Even if you hate Biden because of Israeli support,

    Trump said that “he (Trump) fully support’s Israel’s Gaza genocide.”

    Anything Biden can do, Trump can (and would) do worse.

      4810 months ago

      Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you.

      Biden: I can support Israel’s killing of people in Gaza Trump: I will deport anyone that supports Palestine

      2910 months ago

      Having been around awhile, it’s so weird that people are trying to make the case that a republican presidency could be a good thing for… just about any country in the middle east. Not saying that any party is going to spend much time on it, but it’s just a weird stretch.

        2810 months ago

        Because people are that fucking gullible.

        It’s irrelevant what’s happened or is happening unless it comes from timtok/Facebook/lemmy/reddit post.

        Not voting for Biden is exactly what they want to achieve and people who haven’t read past titles are their target.

        10 months ago

        Nobody thinks Trump will be good for the Middle East. They are just trying to pressure Biden to actually change his policy. The idea is he’ll change course if he sees it’s not popular and could threaten his election. I say publically it’ll make a difference because I don’t want Biden to support a genocide and it’s the only tool I have, but I doubt it will. I’m sure they’re all like me and live in a blue state, which means we’re useless for the electoral college. He needs to try to get purple states.

          410 months ago

          I don’t think it’s even just the red/blue state issue. I haven’t seen many in a prime voting demographic who care about this issue and the ones that do care are concerned in terms of wasting taxpayer money. The overlap between demographics who aren’t statistically likely to vote anyways and people who are concerned about this issue is looking like it may be pretty damning.

            110 months ago

            Ya, but he shouldn’t turn away the youth vote imo. They had bigger than normal turnout in 2020 and they mostly went to him. It was still a small percentage of what the youth vote could’ve been if they got off their ass, but I think it still matters. It seems a risky gambit to abandon them for more reliable voting blocks that are also more hustorically conservative, especially if it means supporting a genocide and geographically and diplomatically isolating the US against the world. I have a feeling if you give the youth reasons to come out, they will.

            I also feel like Gen Z is more political than past demographic, at least the ones I’ve talked to have been. But I might be all wrong here. Elections surprise even the pundits and analysts, so who could know after 2016.

          410 months ago

          I’m sure they’re all like me and live in a blue state

          And I’m sure that 70% of them are shills paid by the Kremlin to take down Biden so they can get Trump elected again.

            210 months ago

            Nah, I think genocides are just legitimately unpopular, especially among the youth who are probably overly represented on online media.

      1610 months ago

      The craziest thing to me are those further leftists threatening to abandon Biden and let Trump walk in.

      I mean, they can complain and oppose the democrats all they want but they should also never ever forget that today’s GOP is just the latest incarnation of the leftist’s longtime fascist enemy. Keeping them from power is and always has been a top priority.

      • Queen HawlSera
        1110 months ago

        Right? it’s like saying “I wanted chicken, not beef, but all we have is chicken… So I’m just gonna eat the pellets in the Rat Poison bottle instead!”

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        510 months ago

        I think that the majority of those are either accelerationists and/or state/political actors. Accelerationists soundly believe that the ends justify the means and think, despite a clear lack of solid evidence (and contrary evidence ex. Spain), that making things worse will force people to act to make things better. Mass repression and genocide of LGBTQ+ and POC are acceptable losses to reach Utopia… despite that literally never being the outcome at any point in recorded human history.

      -610 months ago

      People keep claiming this, but never actually specify how Trump could possibly be worse than full-on support for genocide. Biden is 100% for the genocide, he has proved this and has put zero restrictions or conditions on Israel’s far-right regime.

      What we’re seeing in Gaza under Biden will be the exact same thing we see under Trump.

      This is not the argument neolibs want to be making at this time.

        610 months ago

        Yeah why would people just assume it will be worse with Muslim ban Donald who says “finish the job” and “deport the protesters?” Silly geese.

          -210 months ago

          No, you’re just illustrating what I’m talking about. How, specifically, do you envision Donald Trump being worse on this genocide than no strings attached support that Biden has given?

          This lesser of two evils shit isn’t working because Biden is showing himself to just be literally out and out evil. You guys need to come to terms with what you’re supporting here, it’s time to acknowledge how far to the right you’ve had to go to be trying to scare people into voting for your candidate with “nuances of genocide”.