• @SlopppyEngineer@lemmy.world
    -6110 months ago

    On the other hand, some of them just refuse to do any overtime or aim for promotion. It won’t get them any closer to their goals so why bother. It’s quiet quitting by default.

    • @TheDoozer@lemmy.world
      5910 months ago

      I’ve never understood “quiet quitting” as a term. When did just doing your job become something that needs a term? “Working adequately” seems more apt, but I can’t imagine the context that would be worthy of discussion outside an employee review.

      • @SlopppyEngineer@lemmy.world
        4010 months ago

        They used to say “give it 110%”

        In that context, here is a little decades old joke about that.

        If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as:

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.



        8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%



        11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%



        1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


        B-U-L-L- S-H-I-T

        2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

        AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.


        1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

        So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it’s the bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top!

        • @eran_morad@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Lolbruh. Yeah, I made the poor decision of getting a phd. At least it was in the hard sciences, so I learned some transferable skills. I BSd my way onto a high-paying career track. You gotta BS.

      • Billiam
        2610 months ago

        It’s about creating a negative connotation with doing your job, so you’ll either feel guilty about not doing more than your job, or feel anger at those who do more than you.

        You know, keeping the plebes angry at each other so they don’t think too hard about the wealthy.

      • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I can give you a real answer if you’re sincere, but this tends to disappear into downvote oblivion.

        Quiet quitting is a sudden and noticeable shift, not in reduced performance, but engagement and morale. Increased negativity, pessimism, criticism, etc. It adversely affects team morale, often resulting in reduced performance of others. It’s more effective than you may think.

        A good manager would address this with questions to better understand the sudden change in job satisfaction, and meet those concerns with change. Most seem to be complaining that they don’t have a reason to fire the team member, which is why you always read about “continuing to meet performance expectations.” If a manager told me the latter, I’d address it as a failure of their leadership skills.

        • @jpreston2005@lemmy.world
          1810 months ago

          I started quiet quitting after it came to light that the new hires with zero experience were being paid more than I was, someone who had been there for over a year, and already had 5 years of experience. I no longer give a shit about the company, because they made it clear they don’t give a shit about my contribution. If you want people to put in extra effort, you have to give them extra money. Once you cheat an employee, they’re not gonna get over it because of a pizza party. fucking pay them.

        • @Psychodelic@lemmy.world
          810 months ago

          You’re either lying or you’re simply misimformed. You didn’t mention staying late and doing extra work, which is what most people have meant when using that term to denigrate workers that do their job well but leave immediately after work is completed.

        • @TheDoozer@lemmy.world
          110 months ago

          Ah, that makes sense. I’m in the military, and we have a similar thing for people who are either due to transfer or retire in the next couple months: FIIGMO. It means “Fuck it, I’ve got my orders.” (For clarification, orders in this context are travel/Primary Change of Station/Retirement Orders, a written and signed document saying they’ll be leaving)

          It seems like a weirdly deliberate term for something that has been around forever and typically just attributed to low morale. It makes it seem like a person unhappy at work but just doing their job is somehow sticking it to their boss/company. I’ve dealt with a lot of people like that, both as a peer and a supervisor, and it was never them doing anything intentionally, just being unhappy (and most of the time it had nothing to do with the pay or conditions, just not being suited to the job or general attitude toward life). They could often be a blight on morale, though, so I see how it could be frustrating for supervisors (and peers, they made work miserable for everyone).

    • Anise (they/she)
      3110 months ago

      Quiet quitting is just middle management’s manipulative language for people doing their jobs adequately but then not putting in a bunch of unpaid extra effort. When there is no incentive to go above and beyond, why should anyone? It is the job of management to create those incentives, but if they are unwilling to pay for that, complaining about people’s work ethic to try to guilt them into doing unpaid work is their next strategy. It isn’t very effective.

      • @theneverfox@pawb.social
        110 months ago

        You’d think actual pay would be the next step after they realized pizza parties weren’t cutting it anymore

        Nope, the new strategy is to just complain “no one wants the deal I’m offering”