Singapore conducted its first execution of a woman in 19 years on Friday and its second hanging this week for drug trafficking despite calls for the city-state to cease capital punishment for drug-related crimes.

    2 years ago

    Are you an incel by any means? Because clearly if its a women, the title will obviously be that. If it was a man, it wouldve been that. Keep your incelish shit somewhere else man.

    • wahming
      2 years ago

      It’s incelish to point out a headline is exploiting gender politics for clicks? Ok.

      I’m not sure you know what an incel is, BTW. Here’s the definition for your reference: “a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.”

      Now tell me which part of my statement is hostile towards women, or in any way at all related to sexuality. You’re merely using the term as a hammer against viewpoints you disagree with.