Managed to hit the concrete barriers on both sides of a 3 lane highway. Luckily didn’t hit anyone but traffic was about 3km long an hour later and caused another accident within the traffic jam itself.

Edit:grammar, and obligatory - I took the frame from my partner’s video who captured it for me, as I was busy avoiding the debris scattered all over the highway trying not to get a puncture. I don’t touch my phone while I drive, and hope you don’t either.

  • Phoenixz
    -911 months ago

    What is it with the huge amount of micro dicks in Vancouver needing a Lambo or Ferrari to show they totally really have a big big penis?

    Seriously, burrard has multiple agencies selling that vroom vroom little boy trash. It’s loud, obnoxious, and just plain plain sad

      11 months ago

      You’d think we would have grown past bodyshaming by this point but apparently not.

      As someone who dealt with massive insecurity in my teenage years due to what turned out to be an average sized dick I fucking hate reading comments like this. This same ignorance is what makes people think it’s acceptable to make fun of skinny people. By definition 50% of the men reading that comment are below average sized and they don’t even own a supercar.

        • Phoenixz
          111 months ago

          I think everyone perfectly understands what I’m saying, yet choose to ig oremall of that to make some point about having to be politically correct. You get the point, how about you just take it?

          I have no problem with small penises, nobody should, nobody should be ashamed of having a smaller or bigger penis.

        211 months ago

        There’s a whole second side of that issue too, which never gets discussed because it’s literally not visible. Intercourse involves two people, and it works best when both people are about the same size down there.

      • Phoenixz
        111 months ago

        I think you miss the point. I don’t care if somebody has a big or small dick. Personally I prefer the smaller ones, easier fit when the wife helps out. Nobody should ever be ashamed of their penis size and that wasn’t the point.

        Having said that, I have a problem with people needing to show off that they are so so not insecure! I call it tiny penis syndrome, but call it what you want. Call it “look at my money syndrome”, it’s all the same. It’s all insecure douches showing off to get girls, and they disgust me.

          111 months ago

          Many if not most men just like nice cars. Simple as that. It doesn’t have to do anything with insecurities.

          • Phoenixz
            111 months ago

            Yeah, sure, and indintbhaveva problem with that. I have a problem with that the guys able to afford said cars typically are douchebags who need to show off said car.

            Then there is the point for how much more those pollute, howuch those take out from the poor, etc etc etc … Just find a different hobby, or stop being insecure

    • TheRealKuni
      411 months ago

      Is there something inherently wrong with wanting a cool car?

      If I had the money I would seriously consider getting a McLaren. Not for daily driving, but for track days or taking out on nice days. They’re awesome cars.

      • Phoenixz
        111 months ago

        Short answer: no. Long answer: fuck yeah

        We live in a world that is about to get fucked by climate change. If you think a few Forrest fires is bad, wait until entire crops start dying and people want more food and water than the world will be able to produce. Yet here we are producing wasteful shit cars for a tiny amount of people with tiny penises that have the need to let thousands of homeless in the street know that they VROOOOOOMMM VROOOOOMM at four in the morning. Yes, real example.

        Then, people who got the money to buy this likely got that money from places where in the end a whole lot of other people got screwed over. The difference between the poorest and the rich shouldn’t pass 1:10, yet somehow it passed 1:1.000.000 and nobody has a problem. Here in Vancouver there is an enormous homeless problem, and these assholes can drive around in a stupid overpriced car going nowhere? Can we PLEASE for once tax these assholes, then use the money to properly care for the less fortunate? Why is that so hard? But muy caahaaaaarr! I don’t give a fuck.

        Then, the people driving these cars (at least here in Vancouver) are the douche types who just can’t stop showing off hoe much money they have. You know the type, only wears the absolute most expensive clothes brands, must have at least 5 gold chains, some 100.000 dollar watch, that sort of crap. And then let’s VROOOOOOMMM accelerate 0-100 in a 100 meter street only to slam full in the breaks on the next stoplight, then rinse and repeat.

        So yeah, fuck all that, get rid of these useless showoff machines.

      111 months ago

      For every person struggling with corporate price gouging and private rent gouging, there is someone to whom that money is going. This is how they signal their “success”.