Actual article title: O.J. Simpson, former football star acquitted of murder, dies at 76.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      -411 months ago

      I think you should be able to figure it out, shrug-bro.

      Maybe. It was so ambiguous though, it really could have gone either way, so I chose a side.

      Oh, and, /shrug

                11 months ago

                Just out of curiosity then… do you have a point in posting that link? Are you trying to say you think I’m just a troll? You’re not really explaining yourself well which… Well… makes sense.

                Edit- also… You posted the exact same link twice as if they were different things? Was that like… Artistic expression?

                • Cosmic Cleric
                  11 months ago

                  You posted the exact same link twice as if they were different things? Was that like… Artistic expression?

                  No I copy and pasted the link that’s the little chain symbol next to the comments. I’m assuming those links point directly to the individual comment that the links appears next to.

                • Cosmic Cleric
                  11 months ago

                  Just out of curiosity then… do you have a point in posting that link? Are you trying to say you think I’m just a troll? You’re not really explaining yourself well which… Well… makes sense.

                  Dude, to be frank, you’re very upset, and you’re being rude, and its not worth having a conversation with you right now.

                  For what it’s worth, I wasn’t attacking you at all for anything, I only thing I was trying to do was defend the fact that the original comment was ambiguitous and could have been satire or literal/real, because people were giving me a hard time for not detecting the satire.

                  My comments are straightforward, and I stand by what I’ve said in them, and nothing more than that.

                    211 months ago

                    Still doubling down on claiming it was ambiguous. You can just admit you missed an extremely extremely obvious joke and then got lippy about it. And then for some reason decided to link some post. Twice.

                    What it really boils down to is… If you don’t like people talking to you like this… Don’t go through life being lippy.