For a piracy-oriented community I’m surprised this isn’t discussed as much.

Do you ever store media, or delete them after watching? How do you store them?

I personally have 12TB worth of hard drives (3x4TB) in a JBOD configuration. Been wanting to upgrade my hard drives (they’re 6 years old) but I’m still a little skeptical of the helium drives and whether they will last…

      22 years ago

      Absolutely second Unraid, easy to set up, Parity drive gives you protection against drive failure and dockers are an immense bonus. I have Jellyfish as a docker to serve my media around my home or when I’m out and about. Can use Gelli on Android just to listen to the music on my server.

      Other plus, Unraid is essentially a JBOD so you can increase its size when ever you need to.

      Think I paid £60-70 about 8-9 years ago and it’s been worth every penny.

      Can’t praise it enough.