Twitter, now X, was once a useful site for breaking news. The Baltimore bridge collapse shows those days are long gone.

  • Hypx
    351 year ago

    It’s no longer a good place for news, discussion, or even real opinions. It’s just an echo chamber of hate and closed-mindedness, and increasingly just bots talking to each other.

      121 year ago

      Right, and though it is certainly worse, my argument is that this was true before the rich brat bought it.

      • DarthYoshiBoy
        151 year ago

        It depends. In the early days of the Android ROM scene, Twitter was the best place for news. Cyanogen and all the crews basically announced their new releases exclusively on Twitter. There has been a similar vibe for other scenes over the years as well. Discord is largely taking over that space these days, but I miss the simplicity of following one or two people whose updates I cared about a bunch over the new reality where I’m in 30 Discords and they’re all chock full of notifications for endless nonsense I care nothing about.

        21 year ago

        It was big among the netsec/sysadmin crowd too, it was the first place you’d hear of 0-days in the wild, or whether a popular site/service was down.