An age verification bill in Kansas that is the most extreme in the country has passed both House and Senate and is on its way to the governor’s desk. The bill will make sites with more than 25 percent adult content liable to heavy fines if they don’t verify that visitors are over the age of 18. It also calls being gay “sexual conduct,” which critics say could set up the state for more censorship of LGBT+ citizens.

  • Admiral Patrick
    1 year ago

    Seems pretty easy to work around.

    If a porn site has 10,000 videos, just add 2,501 non porn videos (just use public domain stuff) and make a button to hide those. Scale those numbers up/down as needed.

    Just add a bunch of junk LLM-generated videos to pad out the content so that the number of actual porn videos remains 25% of the total. Then just provide a button to hide those AI-generated junk videos.

      1 year ago

      Any commercial entity that knowingly shares or distributes material that is harmful to minors on a website and such material appears on 25% or more of the webpages viewed on such website in any calendar month

      (emphasis mine)

      They can host as many non-porn videos as they want but it doesn’t matter if people aren’t watching those videos. For every webpage with porn, they’d have to force the user to visit three webpages without porn first.

      1 year ago

      Might want to check your math, 25% is the maximum ‘adult content’ allowed.

      To use your numbers, a business with 10,000 videos would need +7,500 of them being non-porn to be under 25% and not be fined.