The most famous forms of Holocaust denial and revisionism tend to focus on Jews, casting doubt, for example, on how many were exterminated in the camps. But denying the impact the Nazis had on the other groups they targeted, including queer and trans people, disabled people and Romani people, is still Holocaust denial. Maybe someone should tell J.K. Rowling.

    711 year ago

    It’s almost like conservatives are vile, grotesque garbage-based life forms who thrive on the misery and death of others.

    Conservatism is a plague long overdue for a cure.

      -701 year ago

      It’s almost like you were posting this in a space full of people who will agree with you just cause you are of the same bunch.

    • Lath
      -1341 year ago

      Conservative are also the people looking to save various fauna and flora from extinction due to unbridled human activities.
      Are they also a plague?

      You should avoid bringing negative connotations to words that can be or are a force for good.
      Rename the evil if you want, but don’t turn away the good as you focus solely on the bad.

        1281 year ago

        Conservative are also the people looking to save various fauna and flora from extinction

        No. “Conservative” and “conservationist” are two very different words with two very different definitions. You seem to be confusing the two.

        • Lath
          -1171 year ago

          You’re partially right. I am confusing the two, but not the spirit of their meaning, which is “to conserve”. Conservation is a force for good, but this political party thing is only focused on the bad.
          Why let it occupy the entire meaning and overshadow its better uses? To say “Conservative” with disgust is to ignore its potential for better uses.

            • Lath
              1 year ago

              This is about changing things. But we’re talking about different things to change it seems.
              And yes, semantics.

            1 year ago

            I appreciate that there has been some confusion regarding the use of this word. And I also appreciate your sentiment that it would be nice to focus on the positive. However, so much evil throughout history has come from conservatism, that the word weighs heavily with negative connotation that should not be removed.

            In social context, nothing good in the history of mankind has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all.

            Here is a non-political definition, for some clarification. Note the lack of preservation of nature.

            conservative /kən-sûr′və-tĭv/ adjective

            Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. Traditional or restrained in style.
            "a conservative dark suit."
            Moderate; cautious.
            "a conservative estimate."

            The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

            (My apologies for the American dictionary reference in a thread about an English person. It was just the easiest one to copy/paste on a phone.)

            • Lath
              1 year ago

              Moderate; cautious.

              Yes, these are my thoughts on the word’s meaning, in large.

              A moderate and cautious approach to change.

              Absolute refusal of change is the extremism part of this definition that seems to be viewed as its defining attribute instead.

              Edit: Maybe this view of mine is flawed, but it’s how I see a Conservative party should be. To avoid unchecked progress, maintain stability and implement only rigorously verified policies, in small, but certain steps. Their core tenets are moderation and cautiousness.

                271 year ago

                Their core tenets are moderation and cautiousness.

                Lol no

                Viewing words that prescriptively is kinda insane and willfully ignorant.

                When someone says “gay”, do you start arguing about how “it has nothing to do with sexuality, it just means carefree’, ‘cheerful’, or ‘bright and showy’.”?

                Cmon. Cmon. CMON

                • Lath
                  -181 year ago

                  It means both. And both meanings started as positive, then one meaning became the focus and the other completely ignored.

                  That’s what you should be upset about.

                151 year ago

                Fair enough. If politically conservative people legislated with a moderate, cautious demeanor, I would respect that. In fact, I might even side with them on several policies.

              • Flying Squid
                131 year ago

                A moderate and cautious approach to change.

                What would the moderate and cautious approach have been to gain independence from colonialists?

                What would the moderate and cautious approach have been to ending slavery?

                What would the moderate and cautious approach have been to giving workers basic rights?

                • Lath
                  -151 year ago
                  • Shore up the defenses, create logistics trains, be certain of the allies available, initiate battle when ready and after all diplomatic recourses have failed.

                  • Have a standing replacement framework, compensate losses, ratify laws to support equal rights in its entirety, reduce support of transgressors in public eyes over time. There were few slave owners. Turning the masses against them wouldn’t have been difficult.

                  • Prepare alternative replacement in case of refusal, then support unionizing while giving subsidies to encourage participation.

                  Ideally, it’s supposed to advance slowly while keeping everyone relatively happy and stable.
                  A government is supposed to consider all of its citizens and that means taking into consideration the consequences of failure, while also planning how to remedy them.

                  • Flying Squid
                    91 year ago

                    I’m sorry… are you actually going against revolutions against colonial powers?

                    And if turning the masses against slave owners wouldn’t have been difficult, why did a war have to be fought over it?

                11 year ago

                The big problem about discussing conservatives / Conservatives here is that this board seems quite US-focused. The British Conservative Party (the current party of UK government) pretty much came in to existence back in the day to “conserve” things and put a check on “progressive / liberal” policies. Conservative means something different whether your context is American-politics or whether it’s politics-politics.

            141 year ago

            Conservative is yet another word that’s been commandeered to the ends of the right wing. They have a long history of distorting or outright willfully misinterpreting words and symbols. Their use of the punisher logo is a classic example

            • Lath
              -131 year ago

              That’s the thing though, anyone can twist words to fit one’s view. So why accept their vilification? Why jump into that pot of vitriol and say “yes, this is how it has to be”?

            71 year ago

            To believe “conservative” branded political parties are conflated with the English connotations of the word is quite frankly falling for propaganda at this point. Politically speaking “conservative” has a unique meaning that has nothing really to do with financial prudence or slow and measured progress. What they seek to “conserve” is old power structures. Heirachies founded on intergenerational wealth or old exclusionary policy that created privileged citizen classes. Sometimes they dress it up in the mask of “traditional values” but it’s all basically just smoke and mirrors. It’s why they attack inclusive policy, civil rights fights including education policies, social safety nets and tax policies that target wealthier citizens. They have to “conserve” the pecking order where old money remains uncontested power, new money casts the illusion that upward mobility it possible and nobody is allowed to mention that they are being treated as a second class citizen.

            The idea of self branding yourself a “conservative” serves by flattering ones own ego because as a label it’s primed to make one feel reasonable and measured… But. It’s just fluff.

      • FuglyDuck
        121 year ago

        even if they were the same word… context has meaning.

        in a politics news sub, talking about politics; you’d have to be a moron to conflate conservatives [individuals who espouse conservative politics] with something else.

        • Lath
          -331 year ago

          One, this is regular news. Nowhere in the title of the community or the rules listed does it say only politics news, far as I’ve seen.
          Two, you’d have to be a moron to consider people who don’t think the same way you do as morons.
          Three, morons are allowed to participate in society. If you disagree with this, well, good thing we’re in the right place to discuss discrimination.

          • FuglyDuck
            141 year ago


            You wouldn’t expect an article about MC Hammer, some one saying “its hammer time!” to mean home improvement. it’s a news sub, and the article is about politics, not wildlife conservation. you’re being obtuse.

              21 year ago

              That could actually be a great The Onion theme.
              Inflamatory - but ambiguos - headline with the article jumping from theme to theme through homonyms and context changes

            • Lath
              -141 year ago

              Why not? Here’s an example.

              “It’s Hammer Time”

              MC Hammer, famously known for hit song decides to change careers and go into home improvement.

              It’s completely in line with media expectations.

        31 year ago

        This makes me think of that woman who was insistent that she was not a musician because she makes music, not magic