• @ferralcat@monyet.cc
    11 year ago

    Wearing a display on your head just seems like an awful experience to me. I always wondered as a kid what my “old people just don’t get tech” thing would be and I think this is definitely over that line. I just got no desire for this shit. It’s frustrating to see people chase it cause I know I’m going to have to deal with it eventually if they do.

    • s0ckpuppet
      1 year ago

      Totally disagree with you. VR even in its currently pretty early stages is an absolute blast. Some of the most fun I’ve had gaming any time recently has been on a Quest 2. And I grew up on 8 and 16 bit consoles so I’ve been through the gamut of gaming experiences.

      When the technology does another 5-10 years of advancing it’s going to be absolutely huge.

      And to your point about old people not getting tech, my grandmother and mom both love VR and play games and do workouts on Quest together. They actually use them more than I do.