Maybe a hot take, but this goes for everyone. I see older people that can’t stay off their phones, and have little to no ability to multitask while doing it.
They don’t make a move in each game at the same time though, the moves are still made separately and sequentially. Almost like they are alternating between tasks…
It depends on the definition I guess. I would consider driving a car to be multitasking. But doing three different office tasks on my laptop feels more like context switching as someone dubbed it here.
But I’m just some dude it’s not like I’ve read any papers on it but that’s what it feels like for me.
What about the left brain right brain simultaneous use, like people drawing two pieces of art at once or like how I can walk and be on my phone while being completely aware of my surroundings.
Sometimes my brain is thinking in one space and my body is doing another. Like I hit auto pilot and stepped away from the cabin, yet the plane is still flying.
Maybe a hot take, but this goes for everyone. I see older people that can’t stay off their phones, and have little to no ability to multitask while doing it.
Nobody can multi task. I wish this stupid myth would die.
“I’m good at multitasking” is just another way of saying you can’t focus on one thing at a 🐿️ SQUIRREL!
I’m not easily distrac… - oh, wow, a blue car!
Your statement is just another way of saying ‘Since I can’t do it, nobody can, and people who claim to are liars’.
You do know that skilled chess masters can run multiple games at once, right?
They don’t make a move in each game at the same time though, the moves are still made separately and sequentially. Almost like they are alternating between tasks…
Multi-tasking should rightly be called “context switching”. Your brain is alternating its focus between two things in extremely quick succession.
Can I tune my brain scheduler?
I have ADHD and have the opposite problem most of the time - I can’t keep myself on one thing.
Can’t upvote this enough, I have had ppl literally bragging to me about their ability to “multi-task” 🙄
Or you hate when ppl can walk, talk and eat at same time
Ew you talk with your mouth full
Ew you can’t multitask
Its pretty funny how people will take a single low-population college paper over the evidence of their own experience.
I multitask daily, I have to it’s part of my job.
It depends on the definition I guess. I would consider driving a car to be multitasking. But doing three different office tasks on my laptop feels more like context switching as someone dubbed it here.
But I’m just some dude it’s not like I’ve read any papers on it but that’s what it feels like for me.
Well I guess anything can mean whatever you want with that statement.
Good luck understanding objective reality tho. But at lest you’ll never be wrong or be required to call your assumptions into question.
Must be nice.
Sure, it’s one study.
I could go on, this is hardly an area lacking in research.
What about the left brain right brain simultaneous use, like people drawing two pieces of art at once or like how I can walk and be on my phone while being completely aware of my surroundings.
Sometimes my brain is thinking in one space and my body is doing another. Like I hit auto pilot and stepped away from the cabin, yet the plane is still flying.
That should be no surprise. They have been designed to be purposefully addictive.
What should have been a tool was designed to be a trap, because greed.