Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
If I wanted to memorize a bunch of random shortcuts and gestures to do basic tasks I’d use MacOS.
I just got a Mac for work. The hotkeys are definitely worse
After using both (windows personal , Mac work) , I personally find the hot keys more intuitive in some areas and worse in others. Command being the requirement for a lot of shortcuts makes it easier , but stuff like show desktop or lock were annoying until more recent versions.
My point was that MacOS requires you to remember a bunch of shortcuts for basic things that Windows handles naturally. Like want to know what Windows you have open? On Windows you can tell that fromd the taskbar, on MacOS you have to remember a shortcut.
im meant to use a Macbook for work. I don’t. I sign into it whenever they complain I haven’t signed into it and go straight back to using my old computer I formatted for work. it doesn’t even support two screens!
Bro you just need 6 for 99% of the cases
And maybe Ctrl Z/Y (depends on layout with this one) to Undo and Redo
The Win+X menu is the bomb.
Also see Win+E and ctrl+w
You only listed 5 ;)
I put ctrl C and ctrl V on the same line but I counted them as 2 ;)
Yeah, I wish I never had to use a mouse. Only serves to slow things down. Obviously, gaming, necessary, but anything productive, taking your hands off the keyboard is a waste.
I am not a programmer, either. Using Excel and Word are secondary functions in my job, basically administrative, making invoices, record keeping, but they function so much better with your hands on keyboard. Alt menus for the office suite are time savers. And the stupid expensive bullshit proprietary software I use for my work is basically built to use hotkeys.