Despite the recent release of these Tesla EVs — and the little road time they’ve been subjected to — Cybertrucks are already developing imperfections on their body panels, leading owners to debate what’s causing the early signs of rust on forums. From Futurism:

One Cybertruck Owners Club forum member says they started noticing small orange flecks appearing on his truck after driving it in the rain for just two days.

“Just picked up my Cybertruck today,” they wrote. “The advisor specifically mentioned the cybertrucks develop orange rust marks in the rain and that required the vehicle to be buffed out.”

The Cybertruck owner posted followup photos after washing the vehicle down with soap, and they didn’t inspire much confidence, showing body panels already pockmarked with small orange spots.

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    1 year ago

    Even Tesla’s own manual says to clean the car immediately of bird poop, bug splatter, tree sap, salt water, oil, grease, chemicals. That should be the red flag right there. Tesla cheaped out on painting the truck, not even a transparent lacquer and now owners will be perpetually washing their trucks or watch them rust. These things really are just a fail on so many levels.

      21 year ago

      Talking about cars in the UK, one Aussie chimed in with “it’s like driving your car on the beach at low tide while it’s high tide”