    11 year ago

    Ah haa, the nitty gritty bits of the protocol! Thank you for asking 😊 (no please don’t run away!)

    It’s trustless and decentralised.

    To make it work, I’ll check in from time to time to see if you still share my data, and if you don’t (or you’re offline too often for example) I just go get someone another to swap with. So trust-less.

    This obviously works both ways, so your node will check if I’m sharing your data from time to time too and take appropriate action.

    To make it work even if some node isn’t working as expected, I’m sharing-switching with severeal others. 10 is the default because some napkin calculations but mostly it seems quite unlikely 10 nodes are all down at the same time, or all somewhere where some entity can block them all.


      21 year ago

      I see, thank you! And what if I, say, have to leave for X days and take the node down (like if the node is my PC and I go for a vacation)? How can I ensure my content is still hosted in that while?

        21 year ago

        Obviously it will slowly deteriorate, so you can only overshare and not be away for too long. That’s the price for having it trust-less. Stable and old nodes will also be taken down after younger or unstable nodes so both uptime and age is important concerning your example.

        I have been thinking of proposing different “contracts” when sharing, say more or less if size, uptime, downloads, but nothing is done yet. Today it’s just roughly the same size.