• @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
    1 year ago

    Oh my god, this IS just a launchpad for lame conspiracybros 🤦🤦🤦

    No, the Moon landings were real and the images/clips you see of it online are real too. If it was faked, the USSR would have screamed to the high heavens about it. Just because you personally haven’t experienced something does not mean it can’t actually happen.

    Grow the fuck up and accept reality doesn’t conform to your wishful thinking.

    Oh, and the Earth is round, too, and NASA livestreams and photos of the very clearly round Earth are valid too.

    Just because the majority of people believe something without thinking about it doesn’t mean it isn’t true or they’re not critical thinkers. People know what’s worthwhile to question and what’s not, and that’s a vital aspect of critical thinking you did not consider because you don’t understand or care about what it is, it’s just an emotional cudgel for you to accuse regular people of bullshit to brainwash and abuse them.

    Get off of my feed. Go outside.

    Inb4 “Well that’s not his point” – yes it is; he’s just trying to pretend to be reasonable to get his foot in the door. Salesmen do this shit all the time; it’s a common tactic and it’s why we know not to listen to people like him.

    • prole
      11 year ago

      Inb4 “Well that’s not his point” – yes it is; he’s just trying to pretend to be reasonable to get his foot in the door.

      Maybe it’s just this particular instance, but lately my Lemmy feed has been full of comments doing exactly this. To the point where it’s ruining my experience. Which seems to be the goal.

    • @General_Effort@lemmy.world
      -11 year ago

      Well, that’s one straightforward, though rather disturbing, demonstration of what I was talking about. You perceived some snippets of fact and constructed a story around it.

      There’s no rational way you can deduce any parts of that story from my posts here. There is nothing that suggests any hidden motives on my part. Occam’s razor would say that you should simply accept my stated motive, as it is a sufficient explanation.

      A more linear rational view would find problems with your story. You brought up the moon landing and I responded. This contradicts the idea that I have any particular interest in moon hoax ideas.

      A taxonomy of fallacies might identify this as an ad hominem attack or character assassination. You made up lies about me, instead of replying to my arguments. I note that you do not use photos or film to argue for the reality of the moon landings, but refer to the reaction of the Soviet Union. That is something worth thinking about some more. While it is still a narrative, we do glimpse a rational argument.

      So, thanks for the example. The way you just conjure a paranoid fantasy tale, instead of engaging rationally, is a very topical demonstration of conspiracy thinking.

      • prole
        -21 year ago

        Just stop. Stop trying to repackage stupid, boring conspiracy bullshit by couching it in faux-philosophy and five dollar words.

        Nobody with more than an 8th grade education is falling for the “This sounds smart and I see big words, therefore the person who wrote it must be smarter than me and know what they’re talking about” bit.