The transformer technology did come built for a specific purpose, automated translation.
The transformer technology did come built for a specific purpose, automated translation.
High value customers don’t eat at Mcdonalds.
Gaming actually provides a real benefit for people, and resources spent on it mostly linearly provide that benefit (yes some people are addicted or etc, but people need enriching activities and gaming can be such an activity in moderation).
AI doesn’t provide much benefit yet, outside of very narrow uses, and its usefulness is mostly predicated on its continued growth of ability. The problem is pretrained transformers have stopped seeing linear growth with injection of resources, so either the people in charge admit its all a sham, or they push non linear amounts of resources at it hoping to fake growing ability long enough to achieve a new actual breakthrough.
I don’t agree with most western philosophies of prison, the US is probably the worst amongst them (but most of that comes at the state level), I was just highlighting that Japan isn’t in some way uniquely bad for ‘western’ law systems. Indeed, conviction rate is a really hard stat to do any sort of apples to apples comparison for because different countries count and report it different ways.
The conviction rate is 99.3%. By only stating this high conviction rate it is often misunderstood as too high—however, this high conviction rate drops significantly when accounting for the fact that Japanese prosecutors drop roughly half the cases they are given. If measured in the same way, the United States’ federal conviction rate would be 99.8%.[14][15][16]
From wikipedia.
Everyone learns for a first time, often through a negative experience. You should take the opportunity to promote FOSS alternatives rather than semi-gloat about your foresight.
I just accepted I’m not getting the information now; but a whole bunch of small creators will basically only talk about their content and schedule on twitter. Like if something is going to be late, they are going on vacation or they are doing an extra stream or etc.
It being dangerous is extremely rare, and the extreme heat can give a pretty big endorphin rush.
I know there have been some sketchy instances or things that look like bribery (and may very well have been bribery) but in general I think people massively overstate the effects of bribery in politics. These people are crazy and believe the things they say, that’s why the money put them into the position they are in. This does mean that they do principled things all the time, the foundation of their beliefs is just fucked and incomprehensible to normal people.
This is like saying they discovered how to pick a lock so deserve everything in whats locked by it.
I haven’t read this article, but the one place machine learning is really really good, is narrowing down a really big solution space where false negatives and false positives are cheap. Frankly, I’m not sure how you’d go about training an AI to solve math problems, but if you could figure that out, it sounds roughly like it would fit the bill. You just need human verification as the final step, with the understanding that humans will rule out like 90% of the tries, but if you only need one success that’s fine. As a real world example machine learning is routinely used in astronomy to narrow down candidate stars or galaxies from potentially millions of options to like 200 that can then undergo human review.
Other comments are wrong, its complicated residual structures on tv/movies.
You can probably throw together a pretty simple wordpress website without much knowledge. Just keep it mostly out of the box, maybe change the theme.
The stuff was a good product imo, just horribly displayed/advertised. Now the brand for it is rightfully tarnished.
On a free service sure, on something you are paying for? fuck off.
I can still see my hands. They look older than I feel.
The thing is, typically you are way way more likely to see results at high concentrations in isolated cells vs in an animal or human at more reasonable exposure rates, so you typically only elevate to animal testing once you’ve shown some pathway of effect in isolated cells.
I’m not sure I get the mailing list part, but this is the type of task modern Machine Learning is actually great at (much better than they are at text or art generation). You have some huge open possibility space the humans can’t possibly explore all of, and where false negatives aren’t costly. You can use the model to narrow down the possibility space to something manageable for a human to review manually. Very similar to how its used in astrophysics, for example.
I’m not quite old enough to remember that first phase you are talking about, but I’m well old enough to remember the other two, and frankly, during them I don’t think the independent niche communities really ever went anywhere. But they are really dying or dead now, and it was discord that killed them.
Probably want to sit on stuff a bit after its stolen to make it less hot. Some stuff probably gets left in a corner or is harder to sell. Alternatively The intention is to steal a whole bunch then ship it overseas or across country and resell in a different region entirely.