Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I feel like neighborhoods not having local small-scale stores is a uniquely American problem.

    Here in Brazil every neighborhood is expected to have at least one grocery store, one convenience store, one pharmacy, one bakery, and one gas station. And most of them have a lot more than that, and a dozen other businesses.

    Like sure, you have to drive to the city center to get to the big shops and you’ll generally have more options if you do, but still.

    The exception is like. Specific developments built by and for wealthy people who want to Live Away From The Poors ™️ in a tropical imitation of American Suburbia. But THOSE people are there by choice.

  • Lutris is just for organization, and managing the Wineprefixes. I don’t even use it as an installer per se. I install manually with wine and then point Lutris to the right prefix and game executable.

    Anyway, the steps outright skipped are:

    • Having to unlock the FS for writing and set up SSH and (…) – This is a security liability if you CARE. I don’t, I just think it’s more effort than necessary.
    • Transferring the game folder from a PC to the Deck, since you just. Do it all inside the deck itself.

    It’s no big deal doing either of those, but I find it less of a hassle.

    My procedure for pirated games, on both PC and deck is:

    • On terminal, create a prefix by using export WINEPREFIX=. Like /home/myuser/Games/NameOfTheGame/pfx
    • Run winetricks -q corefonts – The fonts ensure the installer won’t have any rendering errors, plus running winetricks at least once forces wine to create the prefix’s folder structure.
    • Run the installer from the same terminal session, just doing wine Setup.exe
    • Usually install to /home/myuser/Games/NameOfTheGame/game for organisation’s sake, but this is unnecessary and requires dealing with Wine’s handling of your unix folders which is always slightly annoying.

    From here, you could launch the game directly through Steam, but then Steam would create its own prefix, and some games require fiddling around with the things installed on the wineprefix (or with envvars or…), which is why I use Lutris as a middleman, as it ensures the game will run on the prefix I created, and if anything is missing, I can winetricks it. Lutris even offers a ‘create Steam shortcut’ option to make it all look neat on the Deck’s console mode screen.