Martha and John Kent may not have changed the world, but Superman sure did
Martha and John Kent may not have changed the world, but Superman sure did
Y’ALL. It seems like nobody here has read a blue beetle comic or seen the movie, and you’re already shitting on it? Come on. This is the beginning of the new DCU, and any blue beetle fan can see from the trailer they’re going to be doing some interesting stuff in this movie. Be nice.
Last I checked, most of my content on r/all was r/aita and clone subs, r/weddingdress, and r/doordash, over and over and over. A lot of the subs that used to be on all never recovered from the blackout. My personal feed pretty much died because subs that would get 20+ posts a day went down to 1-2 a week.
this hyper-attractive girl
I swear, it’s actually really difficult to make ai women that AREN’T yassified. Is all the training data for what “real” women look like from Instagram?
So every time I get the “couldn’t load image, bad state” error, that’s a video? I thought that was an issue in the server side. @zach@bigfoot.ninja
Don’t like what you see? Report it! That way mods get a better understanding of what rules a community wants and how they should be enforced.
This is brilliant. Instead of advertisers making sponsored posts that are ignored or trying to sneak an ad into a community, they can outright buy engagement. Utilize subliminal advertising, then advertisers buy their own “tips” (or whatever they end up being called) and they get back a portion of the money spent. There’s been an uptick in those types of posts lately and reddit’s just leaning into market trends. Not to mention that bots can earn real money by reposting top/all time content!
3rd rock from the sun has some fantastic humor - one of the best shows of the 90s
Whoops, yeah I fat fingered it. These days I’m too used to autocorrect catching my mistakes!
Chris Pratt used to be well known for never using a spit bucket. His body and career have changed a lot.
I was genuinely surprised to see a stonetoss comic not about racism, lgbt-phobia, sexism, or pro Nazi stuff. Took me a second to realize it’s not even a BHJ!
I always unlock developer settings on a new phone to fix my Bluetooth volume. Android assumes Bluetooth devices have adjustable audio, so if they don’t it sets the default to max. Then you basically have two settings: “kinda quiet” and “I’m slowly losing my hearing”. Disabling absolute volume makes it so your phone only registers your phone’s volume buttons.
In your android settings, go to network & internet > advanced > private DNS and paste the link dns.adguard-dns.com into the box. All ads will assume you have no Internet connection. Doesn’t appear to work on YouTube, but covers anything from the Google Play store banners/videos/etc.