Click on every single ad and banner, click “I agree” on every pop-up. Make that computer hate it’s life!
Click on every single ad and banner, click “I agree” on every pop-up. Make that computer hate it’s life!
Always has been
Yes you verify by opening the mod log and looking at the removed comments.
Also the modlog is public so you can at least see who was banned for what.
Startpage is owned by System1 who are based in LA.
Which human right does this strip away?
Well I ordered something from Ukraine toda but I think this is still in the spirit of this action.
Greens who also want to deport more people are left leaning?? Since when?
Fuck off with this misinformation. Die Linke is not Pro Russia or Pro Putin.
It’s a fascist government, they don’t care about reality, just looks.
Yeah it’s really a mystery why no one wants to step up with well-regulated people like this one in the space.
not killing loved ones
exception is CEOs
You are repeating yourself
Cool so that means the orks definitely did it.
Nah, making fun of germans is always ok, especially now that at least 1 in 5 voters are voting for literal Nazis again in Germany.
Ok, let me rephrase, not if their plumbing needs fixing and a specific green-hatted plumber is taking the job.
Not if their plumbing needs fixing
You don’t expect this law to count for the people at the top, do you?
In an actual court? In Trumps america?
Damn those chinese censors!!!.. wait
They can’t be police officers. Dogs aren’t bastards.