Tell me you’re not British without telling me you’re not British
Tell me you’re not British without telling me you’re not British
Who told her about the squeezers?
Ah, the old shit wank
Tranalation: “Work Will Set You Free” written above the entrance to Auschwitz.
Anyone can lookup prices, please show me where on those prices it shows a volume or weight of coffee that you can expect to receive. Unless it shows that, you can’t compare shit.
You also don’t know what a straw man argument is.
This was clearly an opportunity lost, objectively speaking.
LOL do you think Dunkin Donuts give a flying f about one customer possibly coming back in the future and maybe buying an extra coffee some time because they got a bit extra?
The cashier is doing what they’ve been told to do by their minimum wage, shitty job and f them for not breaking the rules and maybe even getting fired for not giving a stranger free coffee?
This is what happens Larry. This is what happens when you down vote a stranger’s comment on Lemmy.
Octopus isn’t a Latin derived word but Greek. You can’t apply Latin grammar to Greek words.
There is no absolutely correct plural for octopus and in any respect, no grammatical rules should be prescriptivist (you must do this) but prescriptivist (people tend to do this)
Oh this will be the perfect outfit for Sheridan at the University Halloween ball with the other Applied Needlework students. Get this will you Richard, I must go to the heberdashers for some new napkins for my next candlelight supper.
Try looking here
But you just had to point out that extra inch though, didn’t you…
Cool story
If you’re testing stability, just use the console to warp there
You can’t drop information like that without posting links.
Fuck you, odelik, your mum ugly cried ‘cause she left the lens cap on the camcorder last night. It’s fuckin’ amateur hour over there
Er, you lost your daughters essay because you assumed that autosave was enabled.
At least in my part of Europe, tips are not required and often not expected (because minimum wage doesn’t have the strange exception tipped employees do in the US), but if you actually appreciate the service given then it’s the norm to give a small amount as a tip.
For deliveries I normally give cash straight to the driver if it comes in a reasonable time frame, I certainly would never preload a tip using the payment portal
Yeah, but not annoying individually wrapped bags like this.