As I understood it, prisoners in California can be applied to be firefighters.
I hope they get proper protection.
I never knew that there is something Gigerian to orchards.
Flexing is not good for the containment
Is Move over law applied rigorosly? This question is not intended to discount overbuilt car infrastructure being overused.
Problem solving:
Problem solving in America: Guns
Das tritt nach meiner Kenntnis… ist das sofort! Unverzüglich!
That takes to my knowledge… it is immediately! Forthwith!
Has the US collectively eaten something that tells them “Moar Tariffs”? It’s as if Neoliberalism-Central got mercantilism cancer.
Tariffs, military spending, deportations, fossil fuels - did he fire his economics person?
You’ll get tired of winning
Reddit is not bad per se, spez & Co are. If they really wanted, they could do so much good: API, ActivityPub, fact checking, moderation, Wikipedia-style NPO, etc.
I don’t know Hamburg, I’ve never been there, but I’ll make an assumption that it’s like every other big city with urban parking and ICE cars stuck in traffic every morning, bellowing fumes out for everyone to breathe.
Invite your own earthling friends and crash the party
Can you get Taylor Swift, Jeff Bezos, Koch bros, Murdoch, Kanye or more to join as well? What about nationalising it, hell, selling it to Denmark…?
Anti-constitutional here means directed against the Basic Law of the FRG or the constitution of Brandenburg (federal state).
The Basic Law does not explicitly ban socialism, AFAIK.
The ban on Nazi imagery is kind of necessary for a state patched together in the post-liberation Allied occupation.
Bold accusation.
Sure it would be mind-blowing, but society-wide awe about other(ed) societies on this planet has largely waned off and many people do not care about the lives of people deemed other.
Kinda, but preferably with less discrimination.