President Donald Trump fired Chair of the Joint Chiefs Gen. C.Q. Brown on Friday night, and said he intends to dismiss the Navy’s top admiral and the Air Force’s second in command — an unprecedented shakeup of the Pentagon’s top brass that will trigger ripple effects throughout the military.

Trump, in a Truth Social post, said he was nominating retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan “Razin” Caine to take Brown’s place. Caine is a partner at Shield Capital, a venture capital firm.

Trump also has claimed Caine donned a ‘MAGA’ hat during their 2018 meeting in Iraq, which is against military regulations.

  • Dettweiler
    15923 days ago

    One month after being elected Chancellor, Hitler began replacing police leadership with members that aligned with Nazi ideals.

      1123 days ago

      If you’re in 50501, with a member count like that, yesterday was the time to make preparations for as many to get to the capital as possible. Its Project 2025 for a reason, it will be done by the end of the year. We can’t wait any longer or a passage to safety will no longer remain.

    23 days ago

    I keep seeing the word “unprecedented” to describe Trump’s bullshit. I got bad news…

    1921 - The Sturmabteilung – More commonly known as the ‘brown shirts’, militant branch of the Nazi party, loyalists who used violence and intimidation against opposing parties and targeted populations. Today we have MAGA or ‘red hats’ who use the same tactics but in a less organized fashion (arguably groups like the ‘Proud Boys’ are a closer match, but those are all just smaller subsets of MAGA). A few recent key highlights were the Jan 6 insurrection and the caravan that ran a bus of Biden supporters off the road; and of course countless individual instances of targeted bigotry.

    1923 – Speaking of Jan 6, that was the modern equivalent to the Beer Hall Putsch, which was also an unsuccessful attempt at an insurrection.

    1924 – Hitler was sentenced to a 5 year prison sentence for his involvement in the Beer Hall Putsch, for which he only served 10 months; during that time he wrote his manifesto “Mein Kampf”. Our current president was recently convicted of 34 felonies, for which he faced zero consequences. Around that time, Project 2025 surfaced, which echoes many of Mein Kampf’s key points, most notably a disdain for democratic institutions and a call to restructure the government into a more authoritarian model made up of loyalists. Trump has also directly quoted Mein Kampf multiple times, and borrowed other language from Hitler like “Lügenpresse” (Lying Press) as “Fake News”.

    1926 - League of German Worker Youth, or “Hitler Youth” – heavy exploitation of teen impressionability, especially teen boys, to woe support from a young audience. Today there are youth groups for just about everything, but leveraging insecurities of young boys played a role in the recent election, with exit poles showing Gen Z males leaning disproportionately to Trump.

    1929 – The Great Depression left pretty much the entire planet dreaming of a more economically secure future, which gave opposition parties to the status quo a major point to criticize those currently in power; the Nazis were no exception, and gained a lot of their support promising an improved economy. The modern world economies were recently all hamstrung by covid, and remain weakened, once again giving opposition parties something to blame on their opponents – costs of groceries, housing, etc are a huge part of why people justified support for Trump (and more broadly, a global shift toward authoritarianism).

    1933 – Enabling Act of 1933 – The gist of this one is that Hitler used their existing legal framework to completely undermine and rewrite their legal framework. He put out a rapid slurry of legal decrees and took a grand total of 53 days to basically destroy their constitution and grant himself absolute power. Today, we’re seeing a similar rapid-fire of concerning legislation from Trump via his executive orders.

    1933 – Hitler appointed Chancellor by German president Hindenburg. Hindenburg was in his mid-80s at the time of that appointment. Trump may be more of a Hitler’s-enabler figure than an actual-Hitler, but it doesn’t take long to spot a younger vocal appointee that’s been handed power without the say of voters: today’s actual-Hitler could be Elon Musk. *as I understand it, voting for a party then appointment to chancellor was pretty standard for the German govt at the time, so this was very much Germany’s equivalent to Trump taking the majority vote.

    1933 – Book Burnings – Basically material that didn’t align with Nazi ideals was made contraband. Today, we’ve seen a push to remove things like LGBT or civil rights content from public schools and libraries.

    v v v You are here. v v v

    1934 – The Night of Long Knives – Purging of non-loyalists from government positions by execution. Today’s equivalent is happening right now, starting with the email that was sent to all federal employees essentially bribing them to resign, and threatening firing of those remaining as part of a restructuring of the federal workforce, and continuing with the gutting of non-loyalists from the military.

    ^ ^ ^ You are here. ^ ^ ^

    There’s also the seeming never-ending list of examples of minorities who support Trump.

    Edit - this is just a list I cobbled together off the top of my head, but I’m no historian or anything, so if you’ve got any more to throw onto the pile, comment and I’ll add it. Also if you ARE a historian with an interest in the period in question, please lay down as much insight as you’re willing to hit me with.

    • Snot Flickerman
      2823 days ago

      US media has never been a group that has regularly considered any history other than their own history

      It’s a bit of that “America, Fuck Yeah” attitude where it’s unprecedented in the USA and since only the US is important in our eyes, our media completely ignores history outside of our borders.

      Amerocentrism is a huge problem in the USA.

      You’re right, it’s absolutely the same path.

      821 days ago

      Worth reminding people that this is a guy who has admitted in interviews to owning a copy of Mein Kempf, had a cousin that gave him a copy of ‘My New Order’ (Trump’s collected speeches in English) which he kept in his bedside cabinet and was known to his then wife and friends for many years. And that the same cousin used to “frequently greet him” in the 1990s with a casual “Heil Hitler”…

      All of this was public knowledge prior to his election wins.

      I’m sure the similarities in Trump’s actions to the Nazi playbook are all just coincidences though right? And we’re all idiots and hyperbolic for calling it out? That’s what his supporters have always told me in the past, and what the right-wing media machine told them to say (Fox/Sky/Rogan/Shapiro/etc).

          -323 days ago

          I’ll just speed run this interaction if you don’t mind:

          • Me: An unelected individual was engaged in a violent insurrection to murder Congress and the chain of succession so that he could stay in power
          • You: Well, this government act says the army can’t operate on US soil unless the POTUS orders them to do so
          • Me: The former POTUS was the one engaged in said violent insurrection
          • You: The military is required to uphold the US constitution. Support the troops!
          • Me: The US constitution that the commander in chief was using to wipe his ass?
          • You: Ugh, I just can’t with trolls like you

          We’ve been down this road. We know how it plays out. There is no “what if?” only “what happened?”

          • Dadd Volante
            1023 days ago

            Are you sure you’re arguing with the correct person?

            I’m referring to the National Guard’s action, or lack of during January 6th, at the behest of Trump.

            If you need to shove all those other words into my mouth to feel smart go ahead my dude. No skin off my back.

              -523 days ago

              National Guard, Marines, Navy, whatever the fuck. They are all the same thing when the country is actively under attack and the government is being hunted by an armed force.

              They ALL chose to sit on their asses and wait to see who would be the winner. End of story. The military didn’t do shit and won’t do shit no matter who is in charge. Because their leadership are career bureaucrats who just want to get more medals and stars on their shoulders while collecting a paycheck in an org that, ironically, definitively proves that socialism and even communism CAN work.

              • Dadd Volante
                1023 days ago


                I’m a socialist.

                And I’m not arguing what you’re arguing.

                If you need this argument, I suggest you look for someone disagreeing with you first.

      • Maple Engineer
        523 days ago

        They were ordered not to do anything. The senior officers are indoctrinated to loyalty to the country and constitution. He needs to replace the senior officers to have any chance of establishing himself as a dictator

          023 days ago

          Thanks for commenting on this … i have been asking for such comments many times to anyone since about 2 weeks now.

        221 days ago

        The US military wasn’t ordered to do anything, which was the issue.

        An order for them either way to act, or to not act, would have been a point.

          121 days ago

          Ah. So they’ll be ordered to protect the country when it really matters… From trump… By trump.

          Also, “they were just following orders” is a choice argument.

            121 days ago

            No, I mean they were not given any orders, is what I’m saying.

            Being given an order to do something, they can choose to obey it, or not. Hopefully, they’ll go with the moral choice, whatever it is, in the case of the order being given.

              121 days ago

              Again: Why would they suddenly be “given orders” next time trump decides to violently overthrow the US government?

              I am not sure what you think you are saying but you are actually saying that the US military won’t do anything unless they are ordered to. Which doesn’t work when it is the person in the POTUS seat shitting all over the constitution and trying to murder congress.

                121 days ago

                Why would they suddenly be “given orders” next time trump decides to violently overthrow the US government?

                Being given an order to either aid, to to specifically stand out, or whatever, is a decision point.

                but you are actually saying that the US military won’t do anything unless they are ordered to.

                Yes, they will react to the order, in some fashion. That’s what I’m saying. They likely will not react to nothing.

                  21 days ago

                  Got it. If nobody tells them to do anything then they will sit and wait to help the winner. Otherwise, they will react to their order, from the person leading the violent insurrection, in some fashion.

                  Support the troops!

      422 days ago

      I would substitute fascist with authoritarian. Not that fascist is wrong, it’s just incomplete. Left and center authoritarians have the same playbook.

          121 days ago

          I guess it depends on who you consider center. That opinion varies greatly. Some might put Nancy Pelosi there, some would call her right wing. Mainstream Republicans would call her a radical leftist. My personal politics are more anti-authoritarian than left or right. And left, right, or center, most of the people in power lean authoritarian. I’m always advocating for the people to tell the government to fuck off, no matter who is in power.

    2323 days ago

    The first of Trump’s military blunders. The same one Hitler made.

    Putin couldn’t wish for a more useful idiot. Eventually he’ll be giving direct tactical orders that result in China and Russia not needing to worry about the US Navy presence.

    My prediction?

    He’ll first order Carrier Strike groups to reduce the number of vessels. Maybe keep one AEGIS guided missile destroyer, and one Alreigh-Burke. Remove one of the attack submarines. Cut the Supply-class boats down to a single vessel. (“Just cram it all it one, and fill it up twice as often”).

    But that’s not Hitler level stupid on it’s own. He’ll have those ships scrapped. He needs to appease the defense industry, so he’ll order the procurement of the true king of the fleet: Trump-class Dreadnaught Battleships (because he needs the extra big dreadnaughts!). They should be “nuclear powered” use the latest “laser cannon” a rail gun, and the biggest longest range cannons they can fit.

    And that’s just what he’ll start with in the Navy.

      321 days ago

      The first? I would have thought that would have been his incredibly unpopular and badly though-out rapid withdrawl from northern Syria, which turned the close US allies the Kurds into sworn enemies overnight by allowing the Turkish army to attack them, and handed multiple fully-stocked military bases to (guess who) the Russians - all while he simultaneously declared victory over the very much not-defeated ISIL/ISIS.

      But that’s just off the top of my head and was in late 2018, so he had probably had major military blunders before then that im forgetting to be honest.

    1623 days ago

    Krasnov still at it with the dismantling.

    When he’s done the ‘axis of evil’ countries will have a field day with their neighboring countries completely unchecked.

    1323 days ago

    OK so what are the chances that the military would revolt against the government? Would those in command fired have any power left in the army due to loyalty or simply annoyance of the power grab?

  • Narri N.
    23 days ago

    'merica - fuck yeah

    Comin’ in to save the motherfucking day-yeah

  • Laser
    -523 days ago

    And yet Americans are just watching it happen…

      2023 days ago

      You have about the same power as a US citizen at this point to stop it. Why are you just watching it happen?

      • Laser
        -1323 days ago

        Ahh, yes. Me, in another country has the same power as the folks living in that country.

          2423 days ago

          Yes. Yes you do. Americans have power through voting. There’s no election. They can protest. They are. Fuck off you keyboard warrior. You’re not helping

          • Laser
            -523 days ago

            Ive seen bigger protests over a library closing than what america has shown with their democracy falling. You let your leader run his mouth about other countries, prepare to hear shit about your own!

              323 days ago

              Ive seen bigger protests

              Says someone who lives in another country. Big words from someone whose only source of info is the corrupt media.

              What do you know about what you’ve seen? What exactly have you seen?

              You don’t know shit.

                022 days ago

                whose only source of info is the corrupt media.

                Because people from other counties can’t directly access or communicate with anyone from the US and their media is so biased?

                Even as a citizen, you’re relying on media. It might be direct through people you know, but you’re still using media. It’s the quintessential meaning of the word.

                I haven’t watched official news on TV in like 20 years and I’ve never been to the US, but it’s pretty lame to pretend as if medialiterate people couldn’t get a good idea of what’s going on in another supposedly somewhat developed nation which isn’t (quite yet) censoring shit like NK.

                Because the US is so vast and comprised of so many states and such a big actor on the world stage, a well read foreigner can easily be more educated on what’s going on in the US than some midwest local who doesn’t even criticise a single news source he watches and basically has Fox on all the time.

                Fox News wasn’t allowed to call itself news here in Finland. Well, it would’ve been legal, but through what an independent union of advertisers, the union told Fox they can call themselves “news” OR they can have ads in Finland. Guess which they chose?

                Anyway, you’re just making a bad point. Kinda like “oh you googled it did you?”. That’s how you research things. You start with a search engine. Imagine snarkily saying “what, and you looked that up in a library?” and have it have the meaning “lol can’t be true because anyone can write books lol”

              • Laser
                -223 days ago

                It’s about what I haven’t seen

                You talk a lot for someone who doesn’t know shit about me!

                  123 days ago

                  You talk a lot for someone who doesn’t know shit about me!

                  The hypocrisy is completely lost on you

                  022 days ago

                  Please Google OpSec. You Europeans are so ignorant.

                  Well I don’t see anything

                  I don’t care what you see. Lol. None of us care what you see or don’t see. Get some perspective and shut up.

              121 days ago

              Ok so point on this, there have been protests all over the US they’re just not being televised in many other countries such as the UK, don’t live in the US but would be unsurprised if they’re not being televised internally too.

          23 days ago

          That’s the point. Someone living in California has the same amount of sway with the president as someone from Bangladesh.

          What do you think they’re going to do? Go Join Wick on a state thousands of miles away? Send our representatives an angry letter? Succeed and be rolled back to the stone age? Lose their job so they can hold a sign just about everyone already agrees with in the snow? Pick a fight with every cop they see?

          Make a Venn diagram. Put everything that’s effective and realistic on one side and televising a revolution so joey in his mother’s basement in Liverpool can feel like he’s watching an Avengers movie on the other. You’ll have two circles.

          I stg these Europeans would be mad at Luke Skywalker if he didn’t explain what he was doing and didn’t live streamed the trench run. Go google what OpSec is and, please, shut the fuck up.

          This is like yelling at the hostages in a bank robbery that they’re not trying hard enough to be saved while the police watch outside with popcorn. All despite the fact that the bank robbers are going to come outside and be a problem for the police next.

          You are in the same boat as the hostages. You have the same responsibility. You will not be able to explain to the boot that it’s not your job. I know decades of not having to provide for your own defense had addled the tactical and reasonable sides of your brains, but it’s time for you to get a little perspective.

          823 days ago

          Vigilantism is the only way this is going to end - no need to be a citizen for that. If you can afford a ride to whichever golf course he frequents, then yes your power to fix this is about the same as the average 'murican.

          …and honestly, a foreigner doing it would be much less divisive - you may just save us from a civil war.

          But yeah, whatever spine the colonists had that built our country has melted into a nice moldable putty for our oppressors to play with. If you’ve still got a few vertebrae, we could use a hand.