So, even if you had been immune, through previous illness, vaccination or via maternal milk, you may not be anymore after having measles.

I had never heard this until today, and it’s an absolutely horrifying thought.

You’re welcome.

  • Lad
    1601 month ago

    Thank fuck my parents weren’t dipshits when I was a child

      611 month ago

      Unfortunately having the vaccine isn’t a guarantee that you cannot be infected. Herd immunity can do that, but that requires mostly everyone getting the vaccine.

      So, even people that are vaccinated will be affected by people refusing the vaccine.

        171 month ago

        It’s not a 100% guarantee, but it’s a 93% to 97% garantee, and even if you are one of the unlucky 1 in 20 that was vaccinated and still gets it, it’s a much less severe case, and you’re much less likely to spread it.

        So it’s real close to being a guarantee. It’s a highly effective vaccine.

      211 month ago

      I’m glad mine vaccinated us as well. Then when I had kids, my parents tried to convince me not to vaccinate. Lost a lot of respect for them.

    1081 month ago

    Yes, which is why it’s so very dangerous and people refusing the vaccine and having fucking measles parties for their kids are dangers to society.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    621 month ago

    Even better, as we saw with the outbreaks in Samoa, literally watching people die of it in an epidemic won’t convince them that they’re wrong.

    Time to read up on measles and do what you can to protect yourself. Maybe do polio too while you’re out it.

    591 month ago

    It’s insane that people are not vaccinating their children against a threat like this.

    571 month ago

    It’s worth reading up on measles. In fact, none of the childhood vaccines are for anything insignificant, they’re all interesting reads. Salk’s story is also worthwhile.

    441 month ago

    One of my family members was immune to the vaccine, and couldn’t achieve the required percentage of it to actively fight off the measels. So doctors told his parents to have him avoid any large gathering that they could (fairs, pools, etc). So until he was finally able to get his vaccine % above (I don’t remember the number) he didn’t get to go to those things, and it was because there was an anti-vaxx group in his area. So this poor kid had two options: Risk the terrifying symptoms and side effects you mentioned, and be social, or never go to those events to make sure he doesn’t, you know, die.

    Fuck those other parents, selfish fucking cruel anti-vaxx morons.

  • A Wild Mimic appears!
    1 month ago

    Yeah, measles are fucking dangerous. They enter through the lungs (or sometimes the eyes), infect cells there and get replicated. They then get scooped up by immune cells called macrophages (part of the generalized immune system, which can react instantly, but can only deal with the “easy” stuff).

    Normally this destroys the virus and parts of the pathogen get then transported into the lymph nodes as samples to produce antibodies against (which are needed as targets for the adaptive immune system) . Instead measles jump out of the macrophages and infect the T-cells (one of those 7 types of T-cells are the memory cells, which are “veterans” of previous infections and get reactivated when the same virus pops up again, instantly providing the info which antibody is needed).

    The memory cells get wrecked, and with that any immunities you had before AND the ability to produce antibodies for anything. you are immunosuppressed for about 2 years.

    There was a study which linked a previous measles infection with about 90% of all illness-related child deaths in third world countries, and is suspected to have caused more deaths in the first world with the damage to the immune system than through measles themselves.

    also, if you are very unlucky, you can slowly die years after the measles infection, being sick for about 3 years - it’s called SSPE, and it has a 95% lethality rate, and the 5% normally have massive brain damage.

    i studied molecular biology (and had to abort my studies about 2 semesters before getting my Bachelor), and the virology courses were fascinating and horrifying at the same time. antivaxxers are uninformed, stupid people, and deserve to experience the same suffering they cause in their children and in society in general.

    • aramis87
      31 month ago

      So, question: the vaccine is 97% effective against measles, meaning there’s still a 3% chance i might get it under various circumstances *. Assuming I’ve been vaccinated and still got measles despite having a normal, functioning immune system: I recognize I’d likely have a milder case of measles, but would it still wipe out my immune system’s memory?

      * I know it’s not actually 3% and there’s a host of factors, but none of that’s really relevant to the question, so please ignore it.

      • A Wild Mimic appears!
        1 month ago

        Those 3% are not cases of “you might get it if unlucky”, but cases of “failed to generate an strong enough immune response which leads to the formation of T-Memory Cells”. So if you are in those “3%”, the outcome of infection will be the same as in a person who is not vaccinated. That’s one more reason why everyone who can should get the vaccine - to protect those who got the vaccine and are still vulnerable.

        The targeted immune system takes a few days to create the right antibodies for a specific target, because antibodies are not made-to-fit, they are generated randomly until something sticks (quite literally). Those days are the difference between “virus infection gets crushed instantly” and “virus has enough time to replicate in unmanageable numbers”. If you have Memory Cells, the immune system can “fast-forward” and can just skip to the fun part.

    271 month ago

    I have a cousin who got measles as a kid. She was around 7 I guess. She’s in her 50s now.

    She has been totally dependent on her mom and her siblings since. It totally fried her brain. She’s very sweet and everyone likes her, but she was nearly erased.

    People ask her any question and can lead her to any answer. “Hey Sheila, I heard you had a million dollars in the bank and you were gonna give me half of it.”

    “Yeah, I have a million over at the bank and I’m going to give you half. Mommy will ride us over there and and we go get it. Yeah.”

    “Hey Sheila, I was told that you’re pregnant and the baby is coming tomorrow.”

    “Yeah I have a baby, it comes tomorrow. I name it Princess. Yeah.”

    I mean you can get her to say anything. She won’t cuss though, not directly anyway.

    “Sheila, Bobby told me that you said fuck ass this morning.”

    “Nooooo. I don’t cuss. I don’t say fuck ass. Them is bad words. Yeah.”

    It’s like she’s a little kid but less her own person. She was a bright kid before measles. It sucks because the only reason she wasn’t vaccinated is because she came from the poorest part of WV. There were no doctors where she grew up. Her older siblings had been vaccinated through some measure to vaccinate rural communities. She just missed it by being born too late. Her mom hates herself for it, but she just didn’t take it too seriously until she had to. Her mom is in her 80s now and still taking care of her. She’s a tough woman, still working 45 hours a week. Once she’s gone I’m sure her older sister will care for her.

    It blows my mind that there are people don’t take diseases seriously out there in the world.

    • SanguineParOP
      71 month ago

      Jeez, that’s sad. I’m glad she at least has family to care for her, but what an awful way for her life to go. And all for want of a little jag.

    241 month ago

    If your physician pushes back on providing a measles booster - mine did because we aren’t having a local outbreak currently - you can get an MMR vaccine (as well as most any other vaccine in production) at any travel vaccine center.

    121 month ago

    People should vaccinate and daycares should have the option to ban kids. Yes it can then transfer at school, but there is no good alternative for that.

    • nocturne
      211 month ago

      My boomer mother is antivax, the only reason me and my siblings are vaccinated is because we had to be to be in school, and the only thing my mother hates more than vaccines is me and my siblings being in her way.

      111 month ago

      Um my boomer parents are glued to Fox News every night and now question the efficacy of vaccines…and thought in general.

    • socsa
      71 month ago

      Or it could make you allergic to nitrogen