Never use “how” and “like” in the same sentence that way. Use “What it feels like” or “How it feels”.
Good pointer, thanks!
Why ? 😊
Because it’s redundant. The word “how” already contains the idea that you’re speaking about the “quality” of the thing you’re showing. Quality in the original sense of the word, meaning “the distinctive character of something”.
The word “like” is used to express that you’re comparing one thing to another in ragards to the distinctive characater of the other thing, but you’ve already established you’re doing that with the word “how”.
Because it’s a comparison - what it feels like. “How it feels like” doesn’t make sense.
Can I tell you how I feel like after your comment?
How about shutting the fuck up, minding your own business, and letting people do whatever the fuck they want?
They’re technically also doing whatever the fuck they want and you’re the one being a hypocrite now. Take your own advice, disgusting POS.
Are you one of those people who can’t follow context clues and use rudimentary primary school reasoning to come up with the actual meaning of a sentence without the sentence being inundated with discussing all the tidbits, nuances, and subtleties that make the sentence able to be understood by a poorly designed AI? You’re a really, really stupid person.
What part of what I said needs context clues, jerkface. Reach harder 'cause you got nothing. Are you so angry at the world that you think anyone who calls you out on your bullshit is stupid for letting you have it? Is that how that works? You’re raging at someone who did nothing wrong, angry little man. People iike you make the internet worse. You’re part of the problem, dickhead.
What you’re doing is comparing apples to oranges. Someone complaining about one’s grammar for no other reason than defending the system in place is being a dick to that person. They’re not arguing for a better world or a better system, they’re just jerking off what already exists simply because it exists. They were also not suggesting new information to that person, they were saying you must follow these rules. If you don’t see the difference between a) telling someone like that to fuck off and b) telling someone to fuck off who told that person to fuck off, I don’t know what to tell you. It seems like you skipped a few critical thinking and philosophy seminars in your heyday. You wannabe YouTube debaters are profoundly stupid.
Oh, nice, I’ve never seen someone bend over backwards and do a few somersaults in trying to justify their shitty behavior. No amount of “critical thinking and philosophy” seminars can undo the jackass that you’ve shown yourself to be over someone trying to be helpful by giving some pointers that absolutely make sense. But no, you had come in trying to be a knighted hero of the people, Mr. Kill All Poor People edgelord.
I don’t know what to tell you.
in your heyday
You wannabe YouTube debaters are profoundly stupid
HUHH?? First of all, who tf is debating you? Does taking a philosophy class automatically put you on the vanguard of people trying to debate you online for calling you out? I’m telling you to shut your yap. You don’t have to tell me anything. Like I said, take your own advice and fuck off. Ageist and classist POS to boot.
Haha. An entire post of nothing but insults. Trolls will be trolls, I guess.
deleted by creator
And yet, after three months you still think about it.
I do look on Reddit sometimes, there are niche communities that don’t exist in that form in the fediverse and it would be quite hard to just ignore the existence of that site, especially when wanting to look up certain information. I did successfully stop participating though.
Having used it for over 12 years, sure I think about it occasionally; usually when I remember how glad I am that I no longer use it.
Oh my god, I JUST realized this scene is from Twilight…
… oh my god
Oh my God, you’re right!
I always think it’s some random scene in Always Sunny.
But after drunkenly watching Twilight for laughs, I only just noticed
It turned you into a fruity vampire?
I feel sparkley when I’m here
Wish they’d stop holding these meetings in the middle of an open field in broad daylight.
I’m just here to play some regulation softball
Is that dude in the back playing air guitar?
deleted by creator
He’s waiting for Timkins to come take his pulse
For me, the early days of my time on Lemmy highlighted what I’d been missing from Reddit: quality discussions light on dog-piling, circle jerking, and holier-than-thou partisan clique bullshit.
These have all come to Lemmy in force with the migration, so now I’m plenty happy on either platform with a “block early, block often” strategy. It ends up just as low-stress.
Yes yes and yes! I feel the same. Memes and normal conversations, without having someone to post a reference from a movie or series or even type their life time experience.
Just quit using Reddit today. Feelsgoodman
I got to say I’m weak and still go there 50% of the time. But my app is still working charge free so that I can still avoid deleting it. I think shifting participation to Lemmy is the long run goal. I’m on my way.
I’m not up to 50% (maybe my app being toast is part of that) but I do still visit more than I’d like. I’ve pretty much accepted at this point that it’s the only place for certain niche discussion. I went cold turkey on participation, though. I can’t help Reddit die if I’m still putting content on it (and I have full ad-blocking and domain-level JS blocking to keep ads away).
Same. I find some answers helpful but I will not touch the UI. I have a feeling they’ll start doing some manipulative shit trying to get people to participate.
What app is that?
Relay for Reddit
Regal AF.
Heck yeah, fella. Feels great
I do feel a little bit superior since I’m using Lemmy, especially when I meet some I-don-t-give-a-shit Reddit user but the feeling I got most is happiness.
This meme needs LE happy kitty/doggo.
I’ve been Reddit free for a couple years now, after Reddit deplatformed me for planning a peaceful protest of the yearly Billionaire’s Summer Camp in Sun Valley, Idaho. It’s where Billionaires give there marching orders to the Operation Mockingbird media.
Quitting Reddit is way harder than any other addiction I’ve experienced, because it plays on the collectivism that is hardwired into us. It’s why they peddle it to kids like the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries before them. Get them while they are young, and there brains aren’t developed enough to build up self-control!
It’s not just Reddit though, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc, etc, etc all do the same things to varying levels. I highly encourage everyone to watch the Documovie The Social Dilema. The only way to free ourselves of this new form of digital slavery is to educate people on the dangers our such technology.
Going on 24hrs woot 😎
Vecna, Aziraphale, and The Swede
I use both.