I find it ironical when a huge company diverts efforts into aggressive marketing instead of improving the product itself, it feels like a loss-loss
It’s because of shit like this that I’m glad I switched to Linux.
I wish I could. My gaming rig has an nvidia gpu and linux support really sucks because of the proprietary driver situation…
Steams new gamepad ui is a slideshow running at 5fps and I loose HDR so I have to remain on Windows for now. Every other desktop I own is UNIX tho.
Microsoft really needs an antitrust smackdown with their repeated behavior.
So does Google though if we’re being honest.
Microsoft saying “stop using Google” is actually totally fine with me.
But only if they’re saying “go get Firefox.”
Shouldn’t Apple be the focus of efforts?
Why not both?
I think in reality the Chrome web browser is a huge threat to Internet freedom and should be a top priority.
I’m never installing windows 11.
I’m switching to full time Linux after Windows 10 becomes 100% obsolete.
You can switch to Linux before Windows 10 becomes unsupported. The sooner the better for you, your privacy and your digital freedom in general.
I’m already dual-booting.
So I already have one foot in the door. LoL
That’s great, I wish you the best of luck on your journey towards freedom.
yes, I just got a new (referb) laptop for the kids - fuck MS was anoying trying to install chrome on it (yes I know, but all their bookmarks/setting/etc in there…)
Use Firefox. The only major Browser that is not developed by some greedy Big Tech corporation.
Coworkers have been complaining on Teams all day about how the Bing bar is suddenly showing up on their desktops. When did Microsoft stop giving a fuck about businesses? I wish to fucking god we could run Linux on our work machines.