This is PhotoShopped, but…
If it were real, the problem isn’t the purple. It’s the white.
I would like my house in dark mode please
Oh shit, I forgot I had flux turned on, so I was like “that’s an old fashioned brown, but not too garish”. There’s a lot of blue in that brown…
Partly. White for the countertops is fine, white on that floor… isn’t.
But the purple is definitely an issue as well, go with browns or pretty much anywhere on the black/white spectrum for cabinets. IF you go with anything else, you really need to be careful with the rest of the kitchen design.
Also, there’s no reason to add a white backsplash on a white wall.
Fair. But walls are easy to paint, but the purple cabinets limit your options a bit.
If the cabinets were some normal shade (like dark down or black), something in the tan range could work.
Not everyone loves brown. There are some other decent options. Banana yellow, lime green, navy blue, burgundy etc could all look good on flat, synthetic cabinets. It’s when you’ve got the wood grain and/or beveled cutouts that people gravitate toward natural wood colors.
My thought was a teal, light green, light blue or other light and airy color to maintain the whimsy but be less jarring
Yeah, that could work, it would really depend on the shade. I think the light blue in particular could work.
But purple is pretty hard to work with…
The color matches a favorite fanny pack I had worn forever in my youth. But I would not buy this house because of the cooking range hood is a recirculating type – no true vent to the outside.
NGL I would love that kitchen.
But what does the rest of the house look like.
Being that purple is my favourite colour, I’m this one’s target demographic. Unfortunately I’m too poor to be purchasing real estate 🤷
that was very definitely predictable
Nevermind the purple, although it’s ugly as hell, but having that dead space in the corner doesn’t leave much room for prep work, since both ends are also basically useless for anything you actually do in the kitchen except perhaps as temporary storage. This leaves you with exactly one place to actually prep on, and it’s not exactly a large one either.
We also know full well that the corner would be full of appliances as well, which leaves us with even less room.
Shitty kitchen all around, imo.
But the cabinets are too low to fit appliances under them.
I really like Black color (okay except for dark themes ) but looking at the picture I think its presence ruined the view imo
I think we’ve had this one before.
Except for the purple, it is a nice kitchen.
Purple is just the color we see least in nature. That is why it is associated with unfamiliar things like aliens, magic, lovecraftian gods, …
So having it in your house makes you have less of an attraction with it.
Here is the same picture, but just with a different hue:
Now the floor is covered in … brown skids 🫠
The market: 💩
Those cabinets in brown are hideous. I’m not a fan of the purple, either, but at least it has character.
I’m now convinced they just hue shifted the image for memes.
The black on the marble looks very purple so I’d hazard to say there’s a high chance of that
I like the purple more tbth…
They installed full height cabinets under a chase… There’s not enough room under them now.
I know several people who would pick this house just for the kitchen…
Is it wrong that I kinda fuck with it?
If you’re wrong I don’t want to be right
I’m absolutely one of them. It’s a bit wacky, but not non functionally so. My taste leans simple but bold
How did you get introduced to the cast of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City?
I guess I fucked one for 7 years? But she never told me she was a reality TV star!
LOL fuck flippers. Making living expensive for everyone else.
No one did this for a flip. This reads as someone who really likes purple. That floor and countertop cost extra and someone flipping wouldn’t have spent the money on that. A flip would be biting brown or gray with the cheapest materials and crappy workmanship.
Yup, safe colors and cheap materials is key to flipping.
Also their ‘renovations’ usually just need to be taken out or repaired to normal by the buyer as they rarely use proper licensed tradesmen, or check to see if what they’re doing is even sound for the building. I’ve seen a center brick fireplace, clearly holding up the roof, just ripped out and plastered over.
This made my European building standard brain spasm… how could one… that’s outright negligence…
People shit on “acceptable beige”, “agreeable gray” (aka “millennial gray”), etc. but the problem is most things that people like more are more divisive. The people that live this kitchen I’m sure LOVE this kitchen. But for everyone else it’s a pass.
Speaking as one of the “everyone else”, it’s not just a pass on the kitchen, but a deal-breaker for the entire house. I look at this and all I see is so many of my weekends being wasted getting it to a state that my wife and I would even consider acceptable.
Ngl, i love unconventional house designs like this. it hurts to look at.
And thats exactly why I like it. I want people to enter my house and immediately get overstimulated with a headache. Every room is either a color theme or a specific style.
“and over here we have the kawaii gamer themed room, and here we have the Punk Anarchy themed room, And to the right you will find the Lisa Frank themed bedroom…”
The masque of the red death over here…
You’d just have a reputation of being such a freak tbh …
When did Pimp my Ride start doing houses?
410 days ago, + or - 6 days
lol, actually laughing. Thanks for that!
I’m getting a Costco meets Paisley Park vibe.