BBC = Bogotá Beer Company
"Bartender, give me the darkest BBC you’ve got. And keep 'em coming, I want a steady stream of BBC going down my throat.
Did I mention that my wife loves BBC? Go ahead and give her two, she loves to double-fist 'em."
I have a sweet tooth, so dark beers are my favorite.
Me too, I love them… We have local stouts here that are great on tap
Yo, thas rayciss
Looks delicious!
A lot of breweries are doing Mexican dark lagers now.
This one is a porter
Actually never heard of a “Mexican” dark lager… Is that a thing? I know Corona and Dos Equis Lol
Negro Modelo.
Even though the brewery now classifies Negro Modelo as a Munich Dunkel, for years, I was taught it as a classic example of a Vienna Lager. Other notable examples are Sam Adams Boston Lager. I’d say more a classic German style beer than Mexican style (brought over to the country by German immigrants).
Understood, and talking about Vienna, I had a ball there some years back when I was there a couple nights, I found all local small pubs, with no tourists pretty much… And the beer was fantastic… Plus I was almost a celebrity because they were tucked away spots not frequented by tourists, let alone a guy from Bermuda
Oh yeah I’ve had Modelo dark beer before
Picture of a beer lol
Not just any beer, it’s BIG BLACK C. (cerveza)
Oh, don’t me wrong friend. I like beer as much as the next guy, and a big black cerveza sounds great (considering it’s low abv and not sweet). But as far as pictures go, and on a community of pics? Well, it’s a little meh. I bet the Beer community would love it though. And probably a meme community too lol
Well quite a few people have liked it so if you want to remove it report it
No, not at all. It was a throwaway comment. Cheers 🍻
- Check the rules of the sub
- Scroll through the pics shared here over time… They are not all some fantastic work of photographic genius, neither follow some preconceived idea of what should or shouldn’t be posted… Some I personally wouldn’t have posted. But they were all interesting to somebody so I ain’t knocking anybody
Is this an ad?
No, it’s a play on the normal meaning of BBC in the English speaking world… Hint… also has to do with something black 😉