“I just think it’s important to oppose these people with words, you know, like a real marketplace of ideals,” said the hand-wringing liberal while the neo Nazi nailed a “NO QUEERS HERE” sign outside the marketplace.
The mainstream news is silent on this violent assault.
Fucking lol’d
Hey wasn’t the guy in green at the Capitol on Jan 6?
I bet it is an ai generated fake pic once again.
Oh please. The only thing a college professor would do is crack a skull of a person that is just talking about freedom with a bike lock and then run like the coward he is.
We all see you defending Nazis.
Why are we assaulting trump supporters?
I mean fuck violence, but also fuck trump supporters lol
When protest fails what is left?
The idea is “don’t tolerate intolerance.” Nazis are definitely intolerant, so it’s ok to not tolerate them. Since Nazis promote death squads and gas chambers for people they don’t like, punching them is very justified.
There are also some literal Nazis in the United States that are pro-Trump. They are also very punchable.
Does that mean that all trump supporters are punchable? No, it does not. But should it give you pause if you are on the same team as the Nazis? Yes, it should.
I don’t get it. Where the funny?
If you relate to the guy on the bottom you won’t.
Was this an actual event that happened? We see a guy beating a Nazi up. Is that it? Is there something else I’m missing?
Are you
- A Nazi
- Very young
- A troll ?
No I’m genuinely confused. You guys posted this in a meme sub. I feel like I’m missing additional context
I’ll level with you. This is from one of the Indiana Jones movies. The main character, Indiana Jones (left) is a college professor/archeologist. The Nazi (right), as in life, are the bad guys and is getting punched by the good guy. The joke is that the Nazi is being referred to as a trump supporter, which isn’t entirely inaccurate, however it is a stereotype nonetheless. Not all trump supporters are Nazis and not all Nazis support trump, however if it were a ven diagram, it would look like one circle since the outliers are very few and far between. Hope this helps
Thanks for an actual answer. I’ve never seen Indiana Jones and so I was a bit confused. I kind of implied that calling the Nazi a Trump supporter insinuated that they both go hand in hand. Though, I thought there would be a funnier meaning out of this meme. Thanks for taking your time to explain this to me.
The joke is that headlines like that get rightwingers outraged, but an entire movie series on that premise has been (and should be) celebrated for decades.
The joke is: picture of nazi getting beat up by indieana jones (i think)
Title says trump supporter assaulted
Trump supporter = nazi
A nazi is getting beaten up. What’s not to love about that?
I’m going to assume you are not a troll lol.
Its a frame from Indiana Jones. A movie about an American archeology professor exploring places for ancient artifacts.
In the first movie, he is searching for the Holy Grail but is also fighting a bunch of actual Nazis.
The joke here is that Indiana Jones is an actual professor in these movies. In real life, college professors tend to lean politically left.
Meanwhile, hes beating the shit out of a Nazi. Modern day Nazis adore Donald Trump and so obviously lean far right.
So Indiana Jones beating up a Nazi is like a leftie professor beating up and an Alt Right Trump supporter.
Its not funny since I have to explain it now. But on the 0.01% chance you are not a troll, at least now you know
Thanks for explaining. I kind of got that some professor was beating a Nazi but couldn’t find a punchline or something to it. So it was just as straightforward as I initially thought. I didn’t know about Indiana Jones and the whole backstory behind this scene though.
Happy to help 👍
I didn’t know about Indiana Jones and the whole backstory behind this scene though.
My dude, you are missing out. Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade are fantastic. This scene is from Last Crusade.
In the first movie he is searching for The Ark of the Covenant, but otherwise you are correct.
Mondern day Nazis don’t like Donald Trump becuase he’s very pro Israel.
Fascist ideology has no internal consistency. It only cares about power and money