So they replace the dead mechanical parts with new ones but also flash a hacked firmware to enable reverse-spying?
How devious.But they’re already drones.
This is a means for government to downplay the mounting evidence of fake birds. Now they can say “oh that one was a drone, but the rest are real you just happened to find the one done!”
That’s cool and all, but it doesn’t beat a cat drone, an ostrich that flies, or a cowcopter. :D
Where is the giraffe autonomous submarine??
Be the change you want to see in the world, my friend!
Im mutating as we speak!
Ooh aren’t we all… ;)
This isn’t voluntary!
I wanted crab body perfection, not this (soon to be undead submersible) tall horse bullshit.
Who said your head had to be submerged?
Think long.
Crab body, giraffe head, got it.
Isn’t it though, isn’t it?
But cmon, if you don’t want do deal with the gag reflex, should you really be developing the neck?
No fucking way
Doh ma gawwwd
So you agree, birds do exist then?
The Norwegian Blue prefers kipping on its back -and sometimes taking surveillance photos. Beautiful plumage.
Mate, this parrot
wouldn’twould “voom” if you put four million volts through it!It’s stone dead.
stone deadpining for the fjordsFTFY
You taped a rotor to its back!
The only reason it was sitting on its perch in the first place was because it had been nailed there. It has ceased to be.
I’m legit going to write this into my will.
Ohhh that’s some mondasian bullshit
OMNISSIAHORNITHOLOGISTSo he’s saying drones aren’t real too?
Imagine seeing your dead relative reanimated as a robot so that scientists could study you 🗿
Take it from me, no fun at all.
I got suspicious when Granny started saying shit like “As an AI Language Model I cannot make sweet potato pie”.
I bet she makes a spicy gasoline spaghetti though!
Her glue pizza is to die for!
iirc this was a major concern for face transplants. Person A gets horribly burned; person B dies; A gets B’s face; B’s mom sees A walking around with B’s face and has an existential crisis.
And where’s person C in all this? Are we just going to ignore them, as always?
Person C needs to wait until person A dies
Person C only exists within the crisis.
Person C may or may not exist, at any given time.
You’re right, we never C him mentioned
Person C also needs a new face; we have the means to get C the care they need, but insurance says ‘no’. C is becoming radicalized.
I mean, animals (birds too) def have grieving rituals (“funerals”) and emotional suffering caused by loss of a close one.
Seeing a reanimated corpse of that same individual would fuck beyond uncanny-valley anyone.
And even without knowing the individual prior to assimilation, there is no way birds don’t recognise it as something different.
It just isn’t physically harming them & won’t go away - what are they supposed to do?