If it isn’t on your shelves (or server) it isn’t your library, it’s someone else’s access.
Arr!! (stack)
Yarr harr fiddle dee dee!
If buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing.
Fair winds and following seas to you fellow sailors, arrrrr
From my nixos config.
Corps are fucked, I’ve got no issues pirating content. If I want to support someone I’ll pay up but the majority of content is background filler for me.
Why would I want to sub to Amazon just to watch Jeremy Clarkson’s new show, where he was paid $200m to support him? It baffles the mind the volume of cash that’s thrown around in that world.
I’d much rather spend my money down the pub on a Sunday, which is owned by locals, has local beers on tap with a local solo musician jamming out the front.
For me, there’s much more value in an experience with the quirks of it being live, a quick witted bartender, a great cover, an old bloke retelling stories he’s told 100 times before, a forgotten lyric or even a snapped string on a guitar.
Or I’m starting to show my age 😎
Nah man you got the right mindset, I’m right there with you. Fill’em full’ah day light! Arrrrr
What’s the config?
It’s fairly basic, am migrating to OCI containers for majority of services.
Will be defining paths in the OCI containers currently it’s manually configured for the most part. Mainly to do with folder perms being a bitch like networking (for me).
I can understand piracy when they take away something you’ve already bought, but I’d not want to do it for something I haven’t bought yet.
I wanna be able to support people creating what I like.
Though I agree about ‘financial support for content creator’ I think our model of copyright doesn’t work.
I’d love your opinion
Should a content creator keep making money forever once something is produced ? Would you prefer to buy rather than pirate a movie that was made 100 years ago ? Let’s say you never bought any Charlie Chaplin movie, would you buy it if you wanted to watch it ?
The reason I ask is because I’m still unclear myself about what is morally right on this topic. I tend to pirate a lot nowadays because I don’t know how to support content creators without filling the pockets of intermediary leeches
My personal rule is that I’ll buy it as long as the original creators are profiting from new sales. So I’m happy to buy Switch games, but I’m probably not going to buy N64 games because they’re not available from the original devs.
I may buy even if that’s not the case if buying is a better experience than getting it some other way.
If DRM-free digital copies existed for movies, I’d buy them. But they don’t, so I buy physical media and rip it to my NAS.
I actually probably provide more support for the things I like because I pirate. Look at it this way - if I had to subscribe to a million services, I just wouldn’t watch a lot of things (because I don’t like spending money month over month for services). Now, I download what I want to watch, and if it’s good I go and tell my friends and family (who aren’t pirates) how good it is and they go and watch it, bringing more eyeballs to their show/movie than they would’ve had otherwise. Pirating isn’t stealing or taking away from creatives imo
I can’t agree, but I can agree to disagree with you.
For me as long as you’re not paying for some form of art, you’re not supporting the artist, so you’re stealing.
But I’d be the first one to download a torrent if something I paid for kind of disappeared like this.
Haha agree to disagree. I’m paying them through eXpOsuRe (jk)
Yeah I don’t feel an ounce of remorse about it, but if I did I probably wouldn’t do it!
I have bought some games after pirating them - because I loved them. Still kept the pirated copies for the sake of ownership though.
Especially with movies, the people who made the thing are already paid by the time it is released. As little as possible. VFX houses are often fucked royally and don’t even break even. Even big-name actors are usally screwed over by Hollywood accounting.
By paying you only feed the leeches who then use their resources to fuck over everyone else.
The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it
- Paul Muad’DibLiving in Australia means piracy is essentially legal - individuals can only be taken to court for the cost of one physical copy of the pirated media, so companies don’t even bother as long as you aren’t distributing. The more things in this area get worse, the more justified I feel in filling up my 10TB HDD.
In the US its the service providers that get in trouble not the users
In Italy nobody gives a fuck, unless you start making people pay for your piracy service (e.g. illegal sports streaming)
Streaming for things you consume. Offline media for things you like.
Companies should be sued for false advertising if they claim that their streaming service allows you to “buy” or “own” anything (unless their service includes non-DRM downloads for permanent offline storage). All you’re buying is temporary use of their rental network and library. Which is fine if that’s what you wanted and knew you were getting, but a problem if you were expecting something else.
Honestly what they could do is allow you to buy the Bluray. That would make me happier.
A couple months ago, I didn’t buy a cheap Blu-ray drive and did not download MakeMKV. Since I did not do this, I can’t report on how great it is.
In the US it is a grey area. I think they should be more explicit and allow you to make a copy on a different medium as long as you aren’t sharing it outside of a household.
If someone actively engages in piracy they should be subject to a small and reasonable fine similar to a speeding ticket.
Should companies work on improving access to services and making sure paying consumers get a better experience?
Nah, let’s spend more money paying lawyers to go after a few people, that’ll show em.
I think it’s wild how people post “omg I just got this entire series for $299! It was on sale so I had to!” Like in 5 years, you may not even have it! Company goes under. Gets bought out. Or my personal favourite, it becomes unavailable because the owner pulled it over a legal dispute. Like so many songs off Spotify. These companies never get involved like well we got our cash too bad so sad.
You will own nothing and be happy.
This is why I’m actually ok with Hulu. All the Futurama, archer, and Rick and Morty episodes are worth the monthly fee everything else is a bonus. If those disappear I’m ok with cancelling the service.
But if that’s all you watch, why not get it off of Hulu?
Buy physical media
If you are into collecting, that is. I am kind of triggered by the binary “physical vs. non-owned” because physical is not for everyone, if I was dead set on paying and the media was not available DRMless, I would rather buy a digital copy plus pirate a DRMless one corresponding to it. Buying a disk only to throw it out after ripping is wasteful. If you keep them, they take up too much space and are too inconvenient to use compared to a few external drives.
Your describing a practice not everyone is ok with. I buy media and put it into my media cabinet. When I get rid of media I delete any copies I may still have of it.
I mean, disks take up a ton of space - not everyone is comfortable with that either. If I did that, I would have had to throw out or bother selling the disks.
Your missing the point. I keep the disk because that is the original media. Once the original media is gone so it the right to watch it.
I don’t download any illegal media. I just use the physical medium I paid for. Without that medium I no longer have the right to the media.
Imagine enforcing shitty copyright laws on yourself like some code of honor. We developed the technology to make infinite copies of any media and then spend endless resources fighting it because it undermines our parasitic economic model.
Imagine for a moment that society embraced the full potential of digital technology. We could have a library of all human art and knowledge ever produced available for free, instantly, everywhere. If book libraries didn’t already exist and were proposed today the excuses for rejecting it would be the same. The answer is also the same, change our economic model to support people’s basic needs unconditionally and directly subsidize the production we need/want (like art).
What if you destroy the physical media so noone else can use it and then keep your digital copy in its place?
Once the original media is gone so it the right to watch it.
But who would check that? A raid? This is so pointless. You are not using it, you have paid for it, you are just occupying space with a useless piece of plastic…
I don’t need the Police to enforce my morals. You you get rid of the original medium you no longer have the right to watch it as that is the license.
That’s just how my morals work.
That’s a very silly morals indeed.
Eh, they’re not that big, especially if you discard the cases and store them in a binder.
I would also rather buy digital, but in general, they’re not available DRM-free. I can rip the DRM from physical media, so that’s what I do. Pirating is technically illegal, even if I own license, so that’s not something I’m interested in.
You’re okay ripping DRM illegally, but “piracy” is a bridge too far. To copyright holders they’re the same thing.
I’m not a lawyer, but I think there’s a legal defense under the DMCA, here’s the applicable part of the code:
(B) The prohibition contained in subparagraph (A) shall not apply to persons who are users of a copyrighted work which is in a particular class of works, if such persons are, or are likely to be in the succeeding 3-year period, adversely affected by virtue of such prohibition in their ability to make noninfringing uses of that particular class of works under this title, as determined under subparagraph ©.
Subparagraph C describes the process by which the Librarian of Congress reviews such exemptions, and specifically calls out non-profit and educational use.
AFAIK, this provision hasn’t been tested for a regular home user making digital backups of their copy-protected media for non-infringing use. There’s a plausible defense here: I can’t use a DVD player on my phone, so this law restricts my ability to make non-infringing use of the material I own when traveling without access to a DVD player (AFAIK, those don’t exist on planes or at campsites) or my physical DVD. So it’s reasonable to use a digital copy so that I can do non-profit research with the content on disks I own.
To me, that seems like a reasonable interpretation of the exception under this provision, and I think it has a reasonable chance of being upheld in a court of law. I don’t think it’s ever been tried, because copyright owners don’t care about people making backups, and they wouldn’t want to set legal precedent about this either. This argument hinges on whether ripping for home use can be considered “educational purposes.”
So yes, I’m okay with ripping DRM from a disk I own because I think there’s a legitimate legal defense. There isn’t a legitimate legal defense for piracy, at least not one I’m aware of.
This is what I think about people using VPNs to access content. You’re still accessing it contrary to the license agreement, it’s still piracy. Just download it instead of paying for a VPN company to advertise on YouTube.
What is the point of storing something you know you will never use then? At this point can just throw out the disk.
Because then I cannot legally prove that I haven’t given it away or sold it. In order to have any hope of a legitimate legal defense, I need to have a copy to prove that it’s actually a backup. And no, buying (or borrowing) something, ripping it, and then returning it doesn’t count as a “backup,” that’s illegal duplication.
Just pirate it. Get a VPN, get BitTorrent on ur phone and literally Google for any movie and the word torrent. This isn’t fucking hard.
Buy physical media from independent production companies. Pirate whatever Disney, Netflix and Amazon are cranking out.
Again, no
Okay, you do you.
Then buy a physical copy and store backups on a media server.
That or buy the media on a digital service and rip the file or screen capture it out.
Even buying a physical copy only entitles you to “ownership of a license” nowadays anyway. Ie: how Nintendo gets away with all their bs surrounding emulation.
Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted; not everyone is comfortable (technologically or morally) with pirating.
Apparently people are uncomfortable with the idea that some people aren’t in to Piracy.
Physical media is bad for the environment and should be banned already. Get a NAS and selfhost
Is there any way to build a library for a NAS without illegally downloading it?
Yeah, there’s that physical media.
I think that “bad for the environment” gripe is pretty weak. By that argument so are books. Meh.
Ban physical books too
Oh, hi Amazon, I didn’t recognize you at first.
TBF I’m pretty sure all the rare earth minerals and manufacturing that goes into the NAS and hard disks is far worse than some small plastic discs. I say this a a huge NAS user myself.
Self host what? Last I checked physical media is the only way to own something.
The other concern is censorship. Essentially a movie that you bought is on a server and then someone’s decided that words, content, or scenes are no longer appropriate. The video, song, etc, is different from the original and without any notification. The old scenes get sent to the memory hole. Oh dear Winston, I fear we will meet soon!
RIP the D&D episode of community
Piracy is pretty much the only way the original Star Wars movies are still available.
“I am altering the movie. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” - George Lucas, probably.
my arrs love me, and i love my arrs
Aarrrrr, I spotted a mythical jellyfin, strrrrraight ahead! It’s even new and shiny!
can’t be arrs to make a better joke
That’s why I’ll keep buying physical for the games or movies I love.
The only question I have is what’s gonna happen as game discs are just becoming an access token to download the game and its updates.
I’d have nothing against digital games or movies if you didn’t see such behaviors.
Make sure you’ve got a spare DVD/Blu-Ray player somewhere that works without needing an internet connection.
Oh, you mean when the discs themselves no longer contain the data… Yeah…
The only question I have is what’s gonna happen as game discs are just becoming an access token to download the game and its updates.
That’s a big concern. There’s communities trying to document which games are complete on the media and can be played from start to end without updates (so no major game-breaking bugs or huge performance issues) like this one:
I’m also part of a FB group that collects cartridge information for Switch games, to document if there’s revisions with all updates included.
It’s good that people are worrying about this. Although, I haven’t heard of any disc game not being able to be played. I guess it would only happen if Sony/Microsoft go bankrupt or decide to close PlayStation/Xbox game updates servers.
It ain’t likely to happen but it’s important to be able to preserve games for the future as they are part of history just like paintings.
I haven’t heard of any disc game not being able to be played.
There’s a number of games that don’t come with the whole thing on disk/cart, usually including only the early stages and the rest needs to be downloaded.
Hogwarts Legacy and Jedi Survivor are two fairly recent examples.
As long as you have a way to download the data that ain’t a problem for me, but if one day Sony or EA closes without giving the update data to be available for everyone that would be a problem.
Still I don’t see the advantage for them to only put the early stages on the disc. Are they saving money this way?
Either saving on media costs (25GB disc instead of 100GB disc, maybe 1 disc instead of 2 if the game is too big), or even having more time to work on the game.
Developer makes sure the early stages are properly tested, send the disc for manufacturing including only those, use the manufacturing time to tweak/bugfix/optimize more stuff the rest of the game.
Tech Tangents did a video on disc games where either the DRM server is down or incompatible with the disk (e.g. the disc games requires an unsupported version of Steam). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZYy9KzFT2w
It’s about PC games rather than console though, after Microsoft got huge backlash when they proposed online DRM for their discs and Sony said “we work offline!” and the PS4 crushed the XBone, that killed that idea for a couple more years
Okay I’ll watch to inform myself. Thanks
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Xbox “backwards compatibility” already works that way. It doesn’t run the code from the disc, it downloads a compatible digital version.
I’ve been a user of GOG for a while principally because of the no-drm ability to download a copy of what you bought. When the library starts getting past a certain size though you start to wonder about those things like what if the producer has a falling out and wants to yank it from the platform, does it vanish from my library then too? Are there contracts that say ‘forever’ when they offer it? Would love to find some ‘download all’ option to take a full copy offline of the bought items at once but it’d probably overrun the monthly ISP limits even if they had one.
Seen too many things on Netflix or Spotify that I liked vanish because ‘fuck off, we can’ and although I never anticipated it being ‘bought’ in those cases it does give a lot of justification to find alternate means to reestablish that access.