Yes, that is an official CoCoIchi spoon.
*All food made by my wife unless otherwise noted!
“Do you want some cheese with that?”
Jeremy Clarkson
There is no such thing as too much cheese.
There is definitely such a thing as too much cheese. Why is it that colour and…stringy?
Wrong. And it’s just shredded cheddar. It melts because the curry is hot. Have you really never seen shredded cheddar…?
That, my friend, is not cheddar. Or maybe it’s cheddar from a place where you don’t have to call it “dairy-based product” ☺️
It’s real cheese, fuckhead.
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Haven’t you heard? His wife uses bagged shredded dairyesque product
I don’t know what CoColchi is but I’ll Google. The spoon looks like a normal spoon tho 😂what’s so special about the spoon?
The full name is CoCo Ichibanya. It’s a Japanese curry restaurant chain. If you look closely at the handle it has their imprint on it!
Ooooh I see now, got it, you stole a spoon 😉
Nope! Our’s were purchased. You can get them on Amazon. That being said, I had one that I had actually swiped from the location that was near where I was stationed in the Navy, but I lost it years ago. I felt bad about doing it, but they didn’t sell them at that time, and I was young and stupid because I spoke Japanese and probably could have asked the guys that ran it instead of just taking it. I ate there almost every day when my ship wasn’t underway, so they ALL knew and liked me. They probably would have just given it to me. I guess I kind of made up for it by buying two later on? I hope the curry gods have mercy on me.
Hahaha OK I live in Bermuda but I have traveled to the States a lot, but I never heard of them… Is it a West Coast thing?
That’s so cool. What’s it like there? My dad and step-mum went there on their honeymoon, but they only saw it from a tourist’s perspective.
It’s a Japan thing! I believe they also have locations in Hawaii. I was stationed in Japan when I was in the Navy and CoCoIchi locations are like McDonald’s level there. I ate there almost every day (sometimes twice!).
Bermuda is wonderfully beautiful, but painfully small… So you get what we call rock fever, just have to travel, get off the rock
Ha! I can imagine. Must be like living in a small town with no way to get away from it. I hope your experiences in the US were good. I’m so disappointed in and ashamed of my country. We should be better than, well, this [gestures around].
I’ve never thought to put cheese on curry before but now I wanna try it
It is fuck-in-de-vine. I highly recommend sharp or mild cheddar, depending on your taste.
Looks like shredded cheese to me
Right? I think some people on here just hate because they don’t get to eat as well as others. I feel for them, but that doesn’t excuse being a dick.
Recipe? I still miss it and I left Japan 10 years ago!! 😱
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, only 10 years? I left in '03. Sadly haven’t been able to afford to go back. I should have stayed, but then I wouldn’t have met the love of my life. (And I don’t just say that because she cooks things that make my taste buds think sexy thoughts, too.)
I left in 2013, I also haven’t gone back but it’s definitely on my list.
Really loved it, lovely people and the food is obviously epic! Were you mainland?
Yokosuka! I spent a lot of time in Kamakura. Got to go to several sake-blessing festivals there. We made port in quite a few different places- I’ve been to the ice festival in Hokkaido, been to Sasebo a few times, a girl I I dated at the time took me to the onsen in Hakone, visited Ramen Amusement in Shin-Yokohama, and visited Peace Park in Hiroshima. Such a beautiful country with many lovely people and insanely good food. Like I always told the people I met there: 俺は外人、でも心は日本人。
It’s super simple. Just get Golden Curry curry roux (we use Hot) and use panko to bread the chicken. The cheese is just shredded cheddar. Tastes just like CoCoIchi. If you don’t have an Asian market nearby, you can get the roux online!
That is indeed simple, I don’t know if I have a market near me but I’m going into London tomorrow anyway, I’m sure I can find some while I’m down there