Unrelated but I have the exact same clock pictured in the article … Weird.
Does it go tock-tick?
I suppose it depends on what part of the clocks action you first wake up during.
No fucking way, it’s exactly the same!
I could only find two differences.
Birds head is tilted different directions and mind has a single door for the cuckoo whereas the pictures one has double doors.
Trying to explain this to non native English speakers at my work is hilarious. It’s a rule that I don’t even know the parameters of. It just is!
What a load of flam-flim.
All that clip-clap and doesn’t say why
Here you go, enjoy!
More specifically look up the term “ablaut reduplication”. There’s lots of great articles and honestly some pretty good YouTube videos on the subject. I’m honestly surprised how great the YouTube linguistics scene is, from Tom Scott’s language files to rob words and name explain (plus nativlang). Hours of infotainment on linguistics for those interested!
I now want to read a small story that actively violates these kind of rules.
I heard that child Tolkien told his mother he’d “written a story about a green, great dragon” and when his mum told him it had to be a “great, green dragon” he was so put off that he didn’t write again for years.
So maybe track down that story?
This is about the most useless thing I will learn all week. Interesting, but utterly useless.
Not if you’re an EFL (English as foreign language) teacher and you needed a way to help your students understand adjective placement better: )
stupid-big-ol-quadratic-yellow-bikinibottom-sponge-fuckin ass
I was literally just yesterday wondering how to find this again, thanks internet person/strong A.I.
Drake and Josh, Zack and Cody, Rick and Morty
Bout what about Mork and Mindy?
Good question. Maybe they did it deliberately to make it feel more alien and strange? Or maybe there’s another rule about the relative number of syllables (e.g., Tom and Jerry, Jak and Daxter, etc.)
That sounds normal when flipped to me. Swapping Rick and Morty for Morty and Rick sounds wrong but Mindy and Mork still has that right to it. I think they did it on purpose.
I fucking love linguistics oh my god. This is amazing
You should check out this book: Highly Irregular: Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don’t Rhyme―And Other Oddities of the English Language
It was absolutely fascinating. Who knew there’re very good reasons why English is so messed up?
English is hard, but can be figured out through tough thorough thought though.
Thank you for that, straight onto my reading list.
[…] opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose noun […] if you mess with that word order in the slightest you’ll sound like a maniac.
And if I try to stick to that word order when I’m speaking I’ll sound like an obsessive-compulsive person.
There’s no mystery here. Speech is uttered by bodies. Inhale, exhale, pressure starts high then drops. Muscles tense then release. A thousand muscles in complex patterns working together limits and shapes sound. That is the basis for underlying “rules”.
TICK tock. Your mouth tenses for the first, relaxes in the second.
Sounds like BBC has a FLCL fan.
Bing bang bong, sing sang song… Ding. Dang. Dong.
deleted by creator
Australia disagrees.
That’s interesting! I’ve heard aussies refer to that campaign/guideline a lot and I’ve always heard it as “slip slap slop”, which follows the rule but doesn’t make sense as the order of activities. I don’t know whether they reverted to the vowel order when talking casually, or if they said it right and I subconsciously ‘corrected’ it in my memory.