Damn, that meme really struck a nerve with the Europeans, huh?
Dunno, but 13 hours is not that much really. I can drive for more than 13 hours straight, in Italy, without going in circles, staying on the highway, traveling between two region capitals and not counting the islands. And it’s Italy, not exactly the biggest country in the world. Or even in Europe.
PS: in August that’s 24hrs
It may not be the biggest by area, but it sure is a long boy.
As someone from neither place - I’m guessing it didn’t strike a nerve, so much as it struck a funny bone.
There’s just something ludicrous about the phrasing.
I just liked the meme
It is more like a ridiculous argument that we are now ridiculing.
Show me one person who brags about driving in a single location for so many hours, outside of the memes.
It didn’t really seem like an argument to me… more like a joke that some people took way too seriously.
Normally the good jokes are also somewhat smart, even though they are not “serious”. A joke about Texas being big is not very smart, IMHO. Is also not very original, as it’s not the first one I’ve seen in this vein. And above all, it’s specially stupid to end it with a remark about “The European mind cannot comprehend this”, because Europeans know a lot more about the US than the US people know about Europe.
IOW, it’s not that it’s struck a nerve, it’s that it was legit bad.
PS: Oh, and, the fact that it appeals to Europeans, it seems like it appeals on Europe as a whole, which makes it doubly stupid, because then individual members of the EU/continent are like USA states, and then each member/state has routes as long as the one in the original meme.
I never said it was a good joke… smh. Looks like its easy to trigger the Europeans nowadays. I’m assuming you’re European; could be wrong here. Please correct me if so.
Normally the good jokes are also somewhat smart, even though they are not “serious”. A joke about Texas being big is not very smart, IMHO
Yeah this is literally Europeans clowning on the dumb “joke” with our own version of the dumb joke.
You can walk 13 hours towards Mordor and still not be in Mordor. One does not simply walk into Mordor.
It’s funny how Google Maps has a reference to this if you tell it to give you walking directions to “Mordor”.
Although I don’t think it works with every starting location.
Holland is only the western part of the netherlands.
Muricans trying to make euromemes. Notlikethis.png
Or at least that’s what it feels like
Yes, but then you have to see fields of tulips instead of glorious pine trees!
As an American, I’d probably die if I had to see all of those tulips.
It’s about twice the size of New Jersey …
I mean if you take your time and cherry pick it, you might be able to touch 5 or six states in the trip.
Using texas as scale was funny, but you could fit that entirely in most states pretty easily.
Well that trip has maybe 1 hour in Holland. The rest is other provinces.
🤫 They don’t know that
Are nether lands anything like nether regions?
yes, in the sense that they have negative elevation ;)
Speak for yourself
Is this a euphamism for fellatio? Because I believe Amsterdam has that.
Gru when he sees one of his adopted daughters:
If you drive the border of Texas it is a trip more than 40 hours long. Two straight days of non-stop driving. The US is stupid big and has an insane amount of roadways, you could drive your whole life and have roads you have never been on.
Haha. Two days. Tiny. Itty bitty state. Not even as big as New South Wales.
This meme is a joke. Of course the Netherlands is absolutely tiny, of course you can drive further in pretty much every US state.
This has me curious about the extremes of the relationship between perimeter length and area of various states. Time to go down a YouTube rabbithole I think, stand up maths probably has something on it.
and yet people are homeless
And no room for immigrants
Apparently it only takes 9hrs to drive around Moscow. US guys, your time to shine! I bet you’d have a city that would take more time to drive around than Netherlands
Nope, even New York is smaller.
Russia 1 : US 0
Not sure how you’d drive around NY (on a boat?), but I was pretty sure that DFW is at least just as big - must be, given how it’s population is only 2x smaller, but consists mostly of suburbs that consume vastly more space per person compared to Moscow’s commieblocks. There’s no neat circle roads there, though, but taking even the most encompassing route (which is fair game given how Moscow’s ring road also wraps around a lot of area not under Moscow jurisdiction) it still takes less time, even though the distance is higher.
Now try it with New York traffic.
I must assure you Moscow traffic ain’t a joke either :D Been there
I have actually encountered this phenomenon, and it involves neither Americans nor Europeans. I live in Korea, and I’m from Canada. I’ve had to explain that no, I have never been to Vancouver because it’s something like 8000 km from where I lived on the opposite coast in Canada. At least a couple weeks of driving. In Korea, the furthest you can be from anywhere is about a four-hour drive.
You can drive for an unlimited amount of time as long as you circle around the streets of your city
Doesn’t count
You can drive in Russia for 161 hours and still be in Russia:
And that’s not even a lap like the OP’s picture (if Russia even has such roads to approximate driving the perimeter)
Best joke of the day! You wouldn’t even consider the road across a road, lmao, perimeter.
Yeah, but plenty of the land contributed to Russia doesn’t belong to them, so its fake
To Magadan!
You can drive 30minutes into Russia and end up in Ukraine! No matter where you start from
If you are male russian citizen between age of 18 and 30, that is not currently a student, then yes. Or doctor of any age.
Is Lemiers really Holland, though?
TIL in Texas and Holland you can only drive on a road once.
Now I want to know how long it would take to circumnavigate other countries and states in a leaderboard
Starting with Russia.