Prompt used was the full lyrics of a song. Try to guess which one.
[Meta]: I’m noticing your posts and subsequent comments in the post are getting down voted a lot recently and I am starting to wonder if it’s simply the presentation of your game. I have to admit, I didn’t realize that was what you were doing at first and it changes the whole vibe knowing you’re playing a game and not just being shallow minded with others’ jokes.
You are treating it like a game, with a real answer, and that’s cool! But the presentation seems like a “caption this” game where any answer is good. I think having a better explanation of the game (or at least longer to grab attention because the two sentences under the image are easy to scroll by) would be helpful in the body, and that you’re trying to see who can get the one, correct answer.
I think it also would change the perception in the comments when you respond to incorrect replies. Not understanding this is supposed to be a game makes it seem like kind of a troll move and people may think you’re just being a dick when you’re just telling them they didn’t get the right answer.
Also: It might be better to use more popular songs that more people might be able to guess. I see you really like thrash; it’s kind of a niche genre though.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. I like this game. One day I’ll get one right. 😤
That’s funny because I always understood the game and didn’t get the downvotes but this maybe explains it a bit!
Would also help to lower the frequency of crossposts since the game already has a dedicated community and this community doesn’t have the post rate for it to buy food the feed sometimes.
Hurt by Johnny Cash
Not by a loooong way
Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
Someone already guessed Hurt so you figured you’d try it again? It’s still wrong 😀
Hurt by Christina Aguilera.
not even if she were naked
No, I figured you did a different version of the song!
You just have to guess the title, the artist doesn’t matter.
Whereabouts Unknown by Rise Against
Prickly Thorns - Jess Andrews
Crown of Barbed Wire by Metallica?
You win a 👑
Thought this was easy but guess not so the genre is thrash…