* One Billionaire on their way
We need .001% of your combined wealth to end scarcity and suffering for all of humanity.
Billionaires: No. flies to space
Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is just absurd. Come on guys it doesn’t really work like this and you all know it. I don’t see how anyone can look at this and believe it.
You don’t fly with the landing gear lowered like that! 🤣
“we need to get the poor’s to shut the water off when they brush their teeth.”
I never understood that. Doesn’t it just get recycled back into the sewage system? It’s not like the water is lost.
It’s still takes resources to clean the water.
BTW, lets ban golf courses that irrigate their turf.
Someone tell the AI that made this that the extra wheels aren’t necessary, nor should the landing gear be deployed during normal flight.
And yes, I care enough about the damn wheels that they bother me more than anything else in the image.
Yo, Cloudpiercer when
I know; the point about billionaires is made, and I hate cruise ships too, but I can’t deny that in the world of fiction I just love having giant multilevel vehicles.
Then they post a instagram pic titled “alone on my private jet”
I downvoted this post, just because it’s the same exact point climate change denialist make. I’m sure OP meant it as a post to call out billionaire hypocrisy, which is definitely valid.
But there’s plenty of other things to call them out on rather than this.