The anti-Trump protester arrived at the Prettyman federal courthouse in Washington D.C. and proceeded to start begging bystanders to help him escape a prison sentence for his alleged conspiracy to defraud the United States and illegally remain in power after losing the 2020 election to President Joe Biden.
The craziest part of this whole deal is the support for him hasn’t really shifted.
Despite or because of all these legal problems, Trump remains by far the favorite for the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination>
All the Republican/Trump supporters I’ve ever met here in New Zealand (why? Who the hell knows)are batshit crazy. Most of them Christians too surprise surprise.
I will never understand how he has international fans.
Do other countries not have comparable sociopathic narcissists?
It baffles me too.
There was an antivax mandate protest at Parliament here last year and there were actually people in the crowd holding Trump 2024 posters. Like wtf?!
You can thank Rupert Murdoch and his cable TV “news” empire. He has propaganda channels internationally that all spout the same pro-Trump/right wing crap that idiots fall for.
The republicans I know are ones opposed to the British monarchy, they seem alright mostly. ;-)
And usually all these pressers do is increase his donations. It’s wild.
Why would? A dude in a trump costume is just dumb.
I was referring to the multitude of federal indictments. Thanks for playing though!
I thought you were talking about the article?
My original post was a comment on a paragraph out of the article.
That story just got better and better
“Prettyman federal court house” … I know it’s just a name but it works so well in this case.
I firmly believe shit like this annoys him more than anything else.
Very few of us can accept parody of ourselves … least of all sociopaths/psychopaths.
You see, gentlemen? True patriots do still exist. 🥲
This guy f***s.
You can say fucks on the internet
I’m telling!
Reported to the cyberpolice.
He was saying farms. Because the guy is a wheat farmer.
I try to be sensitive to victims of sexual violence and verbal abuse. But I don’t mind for my own sake.
The word ‘sake’ offends me.
Can you try to limit your usage of it?
Yes, my apologies if I caused distress.
I find the word distressing to be vulgar. Please cease use of it.
Excuse me, the word “vulgar” offends me greatly. If you would be so kind, please refrain from ever using such a vile word around me again.
I’m sorry for triggering any negative connotations associated with that word, I’ll be more sensitive going forward.
“Guy” could also be triggering for some trans folks! May want to just use gender neutral pronouns regardless of who you’re talking about because you never know who’s reading and how it could affect their day _
Saying “trigger” is insensitive to victims of gun violence.
Yesss thanks for the feedback, I’ll do better in the future. The article seemed to indicate a male identifying person, but I shouldn’t have assumed that.
Who does not like a good taunting!
Ugly man enters Prettyman courthouse. News at eleven.
Truly hilarious.
I can’t believe that’s really the name of the courthouse
DAE like Le funny haha baby man costume XDXDXD
Hey, while you’re here:
How’s it feel for you kids to know your daddy is going to prison for the rest of hah life?
My dad is right here what are you talking about… i just came for le funny haha fat inflatable wacky orange baby man with loser written on his tumby wumby.
U mad
Not surprising you live with your parents.
Not surprised that your parents never loved you
Well now you’re just making wild guesses.
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He is the presumptive GOP nominee. He is making history with 80+ felonies and a century of prison time in the sentencing guidelines. It’s not free. He’s paying.
And he was being arraigned today. Which is a major news story pretty much everywhere even in other countries.
Interesting argument.
Where did you learn how to have conversations and debate?
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Same place you learned about sarcasm, I guess.
BidenDerrangementSyndrome says what?
The bar is pretty low for what amuses left-wingers, I suppose.
And the line to cross may as well be a 1,000,000ft wall for right wingers since nothing seems to shake their faith no matter how awful their politicians are
And Mexico will pay to build that wall!
And he sure locked up Hillary!
Such an (im)potent man
Clowns are funny.
Well as long as they don’t wield political power
Good exception.
Coming from the party that continues to support a billionaire, mafioso, reality television caricature as the Dear Leader just to “own the libs”. That’s the real joke.
As is the bar for what right-wingers will vote into office.
Him facing 80 felonies and life in prison is a low bar? And not amusing?
As opposed to that “hilarious” Republican comedy of the likes of Roseanne Barr and Dennis Miller?
Seriously. The right has no comedians. They have no room to talk about what is and isn’t funny.
Wait… you’re telling me that trump isn’t a satirical genius….?
I think it’s hilarious that Trumps cohorts are turning on him, like we always knew they would in the end. Eat a dick Trump voters! Your time is coming too
Keep sucking that bootheel.
Get out of your moms basement
The bar is pretty low for what turns off the brains of right-wingers, I suppose.
Can’t turn off a burned out bulb.
This comment amuses me
Don’t you have gay beer to cry about somewhere? Presumably a small town… idk how you do.