I’m not sure how to flirt either but this would work with me
I’m all about the direct approach
Men are clueless, this is much better than ‘flirting’
I do enjoy cheezy pick up lines tho. Maybe I can still have my pussy out for those too.
That’s certainly one way to make it obvious you liked the pickup line. “Bro, you won’t believe it, I told the hot chick at the bar it must have hurt when she fell from heaven and she just lifted up her skirt and flashed me! Do you think that means she’s into me?”
Maybe she’s from Canada and was just being polite
Is it customary in Canada to flash your pussy as a sign of approval?
🇨🇦 Something about beavers?
I’m curious, what is your favorite cheesy pick up line?
Anything that has a terrible pun in it. The harder my eyes roll, the better
Hey girl, are you Wi-Fi? Because I swear I’m feeling a connection 😏
My ethernet port is ready for your cable 😩
most efficient
Delicious looking
it’s working
Less subtle flirty, more in your face flirty 😍
man you are beautiful, and props to your shave job. I’m always getting razor burn and I don’t know how to avoid it
Thank you 😊 Razor burn is the worst!! I mostly wax now but toner really helps me with the razor burn
I’ve had to do a lot of laser hair removal to get similar results. It’s a long process but I feel like the results are worth it.
Oooo I’ve been considering this! How many sessions did you do?? Also lasers zapping down there scares me lol
I actually use an at-home solution, the Remington iLight Ultra. You work your way up in the light/laser intensity over many weeks/months. I won’t lie – it can be a bit painful at first – but numbing creams can help if you are having too much discomfort. Honestly, the biggest downside is that it can take a long time to get to your resired result, especially depending on the size of the area you are treating, but the outcome has been fantastic for me.
Thats good to know about the at-home option. Thank you!!
Well, that’s a good start. A GLORIOUS good start!!
Thanks!! I should flirt with my pussy more often then!
flag capture in the first move - you won before the guy could say anything lol
You speak to my soul
This will do it too
perfect pussy
Thank you 😊
I can assure you, your pussy does all the flirting.