AI-Generated George Carlin Drops Comedy Special That Daughter Speaks Out Against: ‘No Machine Will Ever Replace His Genius’::Stand-up comedian George Carlin has been brought back to life in an artificial intelligence-generated special called ‘I’m Glad I’m Dead.’

    1 year ago

    This must be the absolute epitome of this AI replication poor taste… The person who thought it would be a good idea to do this with Carlin, probably the one human who hated human bullshit more than anyone else to have ever existed, is either so out of touch they don’t even vibrate at the same frequency as the rest of existence, or so far up their own ass that they’re staring at their pancreas… An absolutely disgusting move.

      531 year ago

      so out of touch they don’t even vibrate at the same frequency as the rest of existence, or so far up their own ass that they’re staring at their pancreas

      What gets me is the creator says they “studied” Carlin in order to match his style. Imagine consuming Carlin’s entire body of work and still somehow thinking this was a good idea…

        151 year ago

        I’m guessing they started with Carlin to get all the fuss out of the way up front, so they can get on with doing all the others with minimal outcry.

    • KingJalopy
      261 year ago

      Or they’re smart by trying to create outrage and generate those tasty clicks

    • andrew_bidlaw
      41 year ago

      I’d imagine there’s a skit to make ironising the whole situation, but I’m not sure anyone can pull it off just like him, or at all. Not this random guy refurbishing his older material to make a fake guest appearance. Before all his punchlines were days of hard work, and it would be twice of that to correctly mimick his style, gestures, sense of humor and guess what he’d say now. It’d be lovely to see a talented impersonator to try that, and using AI like that is just selling this guy cheap. He deserves a better homage if there’s one needed, and not pushed like that for promotion and without contacting his family.

    1 year ago

    “I just want to let you know very clearly that what you’re about to hear is not George Carlin. It’s my impersonation of George Carlin that I developed in the exact same way a human impressionist would"

    No, was not developed in the exact same way a human would work, because it’s not human. Should we let pitching machines play pro baseball now, just because they can throw any pitch with pinpoint control?

      361 year ago

      Should we let pitching machines play pro baseball now, just because they can throw any pitch with pinpoint control?

      This is how we end up with Blernsball

      01 year ago

      False analogy falacy. Comparing AI impersonation to pitching machines in pro baseball involves dissimilar contexts and functionalities.

      AI-based tools makes creating certain content easier, why being pissed at that? The guy who created the imperson clearly stated that the content was AI generated so there is no intended deception. He even wrote the script himself.

      It’s like being pissed at a baker for using an electric dough kneader instead of his hands to make bread, as it’s not made in the exact same way a human would work.

      -111 year ago

      It’s not the exact same way, but it’s still essentially the same outcome. Your pitching machine example doesn’t make sense because AI doesn’t do anything with pinpoint control.

      This objection is similar to saying photography isn’t an art form; all you do is point and press a button. In reality there is a lot more to it than that.

  • IninewCrow
    371 year ago

    No one cares if it’s right or wrong … absolutely no one cares what anyone thinks about any of it, about ethics, morals, respect or rights.

    All anyone cares about is how much money it’s going to make.

    We should install a turbine onto Carlin’s coffin because he’s probably spinning so fast right now, he could power New York City.

      1 year ago

      This has happened with the estates of famous people for a long time. It didn’t start with the current trend of deep learning systems.

      Tupac’s estate has mined every single little recording he did and pressed it to an album. Gene Roddenberry’s notes got turned into two series (Earth: Final Conflict and Andromeda), both of which started pretty good and slowly degraded over time. The Tolkien estate was held back by Christopher for a long time, but now he’s gone, the remaining heirs are happy to rake in the cash, and they’re being thoughtless about what they greenlight (like the Gollum game) (oh, and there’s only about 20 years for them to keep the copyright, which isn’t that long; Peter Jackson movies were about 20 years ago).

      Franz Kafka instructed all his unpublished manuscripts be burned when he died. GRRM has instructed that even if he doesn’t finish A Song of Ice and Fire before his death, it will not be picked up by another author to finish. These are wise people.

        71 year ago

        A notable exception would be Robert Jordan and his Wheel of Time series. He prepared notes so someone could finish the work and his widow picked Brandon Sanderson to finish the series. But I think it feels easier to milk it than to be thoughtful with the life’s work of someone, as this requires a lot “would he have liked it” and to know this you would have to start caring early.

    261 year ago

    I met Kelly Carlin once. She is an awesome human being and cares a lot about her father’s legacy.

    211 year ago

    I’m not here to rage about the whole human vs machine thing because I honestly don’t give two shits. However, this isn’t very good. The pacing feels like George Carlin, but that’s about it. It’s really more like an edgy Ryan Reynolds.

    • Guy Dudeman
      1 year ago

      I disagree. It’s actually pretty good. Hopefully some people will be outraged enough to actually listen to it.

      The joke structure is 100% Carlin’s. The delivery is almost perfect. The message is spot-on.

        181 year ago

        As someone who’s consumed every album and special George Carlin produced, it felt like someone retelling their memory of some of his bits. Like regurgitation. It’d be impressive if your nephew performed this at his thirteenth birthday party after becoming obsessed with Carlin.

        • Cethin
          51 year ago

          it felt like someone retelling their memory of some of his bits. Like regurgitation.

          That’s because that’s exactly what these are. They don’t create new things. They use and modify existing work.

            21 year ago

            They being the writers of the joke, which are humans. The AI part is only imitating George Carlins voice and cadence.

            • Cethin
              11 year ago

              Oh, well that changes a lot. I assumed it was AI generated jokes. The people writting the jokes should just tell it themselves. What’s the point of using Carlin’s likeness?

                11 year ago

                Could be they are not good at telling jokes, or they wanted to use material that are more associated with George Carlin rather than them. I don’t know.

                IMO, using AI voices is funnier when you make them say things the real person would never say, so I don’t see the appeal of imitating someone.

        • Nusm
          21 year ago

          See, I disagree. Someone retelling their memory of some of his bits, or your nephew performing at his birthday party would be telling old George Carlin jokes. This was new material and was topical, which I think is cool. It’s hard to know what George would really think about today’s climate, but I can’t imagine it would be too far off from the this.

          Was it perfect? No. But if I know what it is going in, I can sit back and just enjoy it for what it is - entertainment.

          21 year ago

          It’d be impressive if your nephew performed this at his thirteenth birthday party after becoming obsessed with Carlin.

          Given modern generative large language models are still about a decade away from a thirteenth birthday, this is pretty impressive then.

          Does anyone remember the Seinfeld AI generation in 2022?

          Do we really think this tech is going to stop here and not improve at all after such rapid growth in the past two years?

          By the time of its thirteenth birthday I suspect it’s going to have gotten much better at writing jokes.

        • Nusm
          21 year ago

          The bit about AI Bill Cosby made me laugh the hardest. “You get all of the Cosby jokes with none of the Cosby rapes!”

    161 year ago

    Of course they can’t. But they can and will exploit every single word he’s ever said. Then exploit every idiot who gives said AI product and sense of their attention.

    Gotta be a dick here though. If they listen to the honestly lying charade running now then they didn’t hear him when he explained the first time.

    111 year ago

    I listened to it and it’s genuinely not bad (on a content and voice synthesis level), to the point that I have a hard time believing it was entirely AI-generated. If it’s not a fake ghostwritten by the creators, it must have been heavily rerolled and edited to make it so coherent.

      161 year ago

      I listened to it and it’s genuinely not bad

      Of course not. Its predicated on the collected works of a decades-long professional comedian.

      If you re-mixed a new screenplay using the combined works of Shakespeare (and called it, idk, West Side Story or 10 Things I Hate About You or The Lion King) you could put together a blockbuster movie fairly easily, too.

      If it’s not a fake ghostwritten by the creators, it must have been heavily rerolled and edited to make it so coherent.

      The rise of ‘pseudo-AI’: how tech firms quietly use humans to do bots’ work

        31 year ago

        “Mechanical turk” jobs are way more hellish than any realistic AI dystopia, even though some AI developments use MTurks

      61 year ago

      Fully agree. There’s absolutely no way his whole bit about guns was generated from an LLM, while including the tangent about Japan. There had to have been a significant amount of leading prompts to get it to that point. At which point, whoever developed those prompts gets (at least partial) credit as a writer

  • Nusm
    61 year ago

    Y’know, I was a pretty big Carlin fan, I had a few of his albums and even saw him live in concert once. I listened to the whole thing while driving, and I thought this was okay. It’s obviously not George Carlin, but it sounded a lot like him, and I can imagine he would approve of many of the jokes. It wasn’t a laugh-a-minute, but I did get lost in it a couple of times and forget that it wasn’t really him, and I did laugh out loud a few times as well. (The joke about the best comedian for AI being Bill Cosby got me!)

    Carlin’s comedy was very topical, which doesn’t always translate to today, so having new, up-to-date Carlin bits are actually cool. I can understand his daughter’s apprehension, but at least people are talking about her dad again, so I would think that’s a good thing.

    • Rob T Firefly
      131 year ago

      People never stopped talking about her dad. This junk isn’t the boost to the real Carlin’s place in pop culture some are painting it as.