You know who else was anti-union?
The American Confederates.
The Nazi’s also hated unions.
if it’s a mixed workplace you get the benefits of the union without joining so them asking your stance was kind of stupid.
unless it was simply for them to give you the paperwork in which case you just made more work for yourself.
either way good job on joining the union.
either way good job on joining the union.
Me who simply posts daily images/memes to kickstart the sub:
deleted by creator
CEO: “punish him anyway”
Finance: “We have to pay how much in damages!”
CEO: “We don’t pay him enough to afford a lawyer”
You guys have no rules (laws) for stuff you aren’t allowed to ask in job interviews?
They’re followed and enforced sparsely.
Too hard to prove especially if you live in a two party consent state.
Yo, people change! At first I was like, “Pssh, unions suck, they don’t ever want me in them anyway.” But then later on they were like, “I like you, you’re cool. Why don’t you join our union club? All the cool people are doing it.” and then I was like, “Peer pressure? Naw, I HAVE to give in to it.”
So I joined the union.
I got promoted out of my union into lower management. And i never understood why people thought the union was just taking their money.
Like the meetings i have been to consider the union at every turn. Its almost impossible to fire anyone who doesn’t do something the client would demand termination for. Any sort of paperwork filed against an employee has to be immaculate, and they got my company to force an advancement plan that includes training and milestones.
The only group with more say is safety.
i never understood why people thought the union was just taking their money.
People think this because that’s the message many companies push, and they push it hard.
Lets go from a fellow union worker, unions are based
Yup. I’m at work playing on my phone because the freezers are cold and my phone isn’t. Between Osha saying I’m allowed breaks where it’s warm and the unions general stance there I’m covered.
Why is America so weird about unions? My company has its own union, and joining them or another union is encouraged by the company. We even have our own union in the company, and the company pays 50% of the union membership costs for us.