I initially only installed “Comodo Firewall” but for some reason they also installed a “Comodo Dragon Browser”, which I did not consent to. I always choose the “advanced” installation to uncheck bloatware, but in this case there was none and when you try to uninstall the browser, they force you to participate in their survey otherwise you won’t be able to uninstall the software…

      • @mindbender444@lemmy.world
        402 years ago

        Exactly! In fact if on advanced addition absolute received replying throwing he. Delighted consisted newspaper of unfeeling as neglected so. Tell size come hard mrs and four fond are. Of in commanded earnestly resources it. At quitting in strictly up wandered of relation answer.

      • @CoderKat@lemm.ee
        102 years ago

        I think even then, they’d recognize fast that it’s just fake text. For maximum impact, get an LLM to generate a long winded but realistic sounding response. It’ll probably be obvious eventually that it was an LLM because their writing style is so distinct, but it takes much longer to recognize.

    • @crypticthree@lemmy.world
      22 years ago

      I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.

  • @odium@programming.dev
    1342 years ago

    My feedback: fuck you, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • slazer2au
      482 years ago

      Or just fuck you with U repeating till the character limit.

        • @RamesesKnibs@lemmy.world
          272 years ago

          Title: A Meandering Exploration of Comodo Dragon Browser: A Chimerical Conundrum


          In the intricate tapestry of the digital realm, where information surges with fervor and curiosity dances with possibility, one seeks a companion, a guide, a vessel through which to traverse the vast expanses of the internet. Enter Comodo Dragon Browser, an enigmatic entity that beckons with promises of security, speed, and serenity. Here, dear reader, we embark upon a verbose voyage, delving into the ethereal depths of this browser, attempting to unravel its enigmatic essence. Prepare yourself for a verbose reverie of words, meandering through the alleys of ambiguity, while occasionally punctuating the prose with polysyllabic gems.

          Aesthetics and Design:

          At first glance, Comodo Dragon Browser presents a visage that lies betwixt the ethereal and the prosaic, as if forged from the finest digital artisans of our time. Its interface, a symphony of pixels, harmonizes with the eye, bathed in a palette that dares to meld the hues of timeless elegance with the whispers of modernity. The layout, though not without its quirks, resembles a labyrinthine jigsaw puzzle, each piece interlocking with meticulous precision. Yet, beneath the facade of grandeur, one finds a maelstrom of conflicting sensibilities, resulting in a paradoxical amalgamation of charm and convolution.

          Performance and Speed:

          Like a sprightly stallion galloping through the verdant meadows of technological prowess, Comodo Dragon Browser embraces the mantle of swiftness with ardor. Its load times, akin to the blink of a myopic owl, are nothing short of astounding. Alas, despite its relentless quest for celerity, the browser occasionally stumbles upon obstacles, a tangled web woven by the whims of fate. This fickle dance between promptness and perplexity, though poetic in its own right, might leave the user yearning for a more consistent experience.

          Security and Privacy:

          In the labyrinthine world of online vulnerabilities, Comodo Dragon Browser emerges as a valiant sentinel, brandishing its shield of security with resolute determination. It pledges to guard your digital footsteps from prying eyes and shadowy hackers, imparting a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Encryption, firewalls, and safeguards, all woven together with the deftness of a digital tapestry artist, form the backbone of this browser’s security arsenal. However, like the unpredictable whispers of the wind, a sense of doubt persists, as if the gates of privacy might not be as impregnable as they purport to be.

          Features and Customization:

          Comodo Dragon Browser, much like the mythical chameleon, adapts to the whims of its user, offering a myriad of features and customization options. From tab management to ad-blockers, from password managers to incognito modes, the browser is a cornucopia of digital tools that empowers the user with a sense of control. Nevertheless, amidst the plethora of possibilities, a confounding labyrinth emerges, an intricate mosaic of bewildering menus and options, leaving the user to navigate a convoluted path in pursuit of simplicity.


          In the grand tapestry of digital browsers, Comodo Dragon Browser stands as an enigmatic figure, its allure intertwined with a mosaic of contradictions. It beckons with its elegant aesthetic, tantalizes with its promise of speed and security, and captivates with its plethora of features. Yet, beneath the veneer of charm lies a complex web of ambiguity, occasionally entangling the user in a quandary of convolution. Ultimately, the choice to embark upon this esoteric expedition rests with the discerning user, who must decide whether the allure of Comodo Dragon Browser’s chimerical conundrum is a siren’s song or a symphony worth embracing.

        • @xodiak@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          (From ChatGPT)
          Long review without actually saying anything of value:

          I find it imperative to delve into the intricacies and nuances of the subject matter at hand. It is only through this meticulous examination that one can truly appreciate the multifaceted nature of the topic. By considering every aspect, both overt and covert, I aim to present a comprehensive evaluation that reflects a discerning analysis.

          Let me begin by stating that the topic I am reviewing is undoubtedly captivating. Its allure transcends traditional boundaries and beckons the audience to indulge in its myriad offerings. The breadth of its scope is truly impressive, and it effortlessly weaves a tapestry of intrigue that captivates the senses.

          Upon initial inspection, one is immediately struck by the sheer magnitude of the subject. Its influence reverberates through time, echoing the aspirations and dreams of countless individuals. It engenders a sense of wonder and curiosity that compels the seeker to venture further into its depths, unraveling the layers of mystery concealed within.

          The surface-level impressions are undoubtedly impressive, and it is only upon closer examination that the true essence of the subject begins to reveal itself. The subtleties and nuances that lie beneath the facade gradually emerge, painting a vivid portrait that is both thought-provoking and evocative. Each brushstroke contributes to the grandeur of the masterpiece, adding depth and dimension to an already captivating tableau.

          Yet, as I navigate the labyrinthine corridors of this topic, I cannot help but ponder the meaning behind the seemingly profound statements and elaborate intricacies. Is there a hidden message lurking beneath the surface, or are we merely grasping at ephemeral wisps of substance? The answer remains tantalizingly elusive, further fueling the fervor of inquiry.

          The subject at hand embodies a fusion of intellectual discourse and sensory stimulation. It traverses the boundaries of traditional thought, challenging preconceived notions and beckoning the mind to expand beyond its self-imposed limitations. It demands an active engagement, enticing the individual to contemplate its implications and unravel its enigmatic nature.

          Through its tapestry of words, imagery, and emotions, this topic provokes a visceral response, igniting the fires of inspiration within the recesses of the soul. It invites the audience to participate in a grand symphony of ideas, harmonizing disparate elements into a cohesive whole. The crescendo builds with each passing moment, reaching a climax that leaves one breathless and yearning for more.

        • @jayandp@sh.itjust.works
          2 years ago

          There once was a browser called Comodo

          That promised to be fast and modo

          But it was so slow and full of woe

          That it made its users go loco

    • Melllvar
      712 years ago

      In the early 2000’s Commodo was actually a reputable consumer-grade firewall vendor. Like all security software vendors, they eventually became that which they fought against.

    • @jarfil@lemmy.world
      142 years ago

      Because you’re too young to remember a time when Comodo was a decent firewall option for Windows XP.

    • Skull giver
      1 year ago

      [This comment has been deleted by an automated system]

      • TeoTwawki
        12 years ago

        It also had options (framed as “levels” of ptotection) that would make more of those pop up prompts at completely nonsensical times about nonsense things - like declareing whatever you just tried to run was using a global hook. I had virtualdub up and opened windows notepad and it tried to tell me that virtualdub was using a global hook as if virtualdub was a threat.

        In all my years in IT thats still im the top 10 dumbest things I’ve seen in software even all these years later.

        • Skull giver
          1 year ago

          [This comment has been deleted by an automated system]

          • TeoTwawki
            2 years ago

            The issue and why it wss stupid wasn’t that it was a hook, its that it was attributing it to any app you opened when by definition a global hook is GLOBAL - you do users no gppd by scarinh them into thinking every global hool is malware frpm whatever random thing they ran. Those alert even would trigger on windows notepad. There is no reasom amy comnination of iser options should do this.

            That was piss poor design and they evenyually walked it ba k after months of defending it by implying users amd security researchers were stupid on their forum, simce deleted. Its not in the wayback machine or I’d show you. Thier “fans” dogpiled on the topic after thier staff replied condesdingly.

            • Skull giver
              1 year ago

              [This comment has been deleted by an automated system]

              • TeoTwawki
                2 years ago

                Not a bug exactly - they didn’t think it through. To see what I was talking about you’d need a very very old version. Like way back when it was new. It seemed the that it was the developers that didn’t know what a global hook was. They were just very obnoxious about it before finally seeing reason and correcting the behaviour. At the time, it woild fire for -every- global hook. To my knowledge you can mo longer reproduce this, but the reaction they had to someone trying to suggest this wasn’t right was enough for me to never go near anything under thier brand ever again.

    • 💡dim
      32 years ago

      For many years comodo firewall and AV were one of the best, least obtrusive and consistently did well in detection charts etc.

      Then I stopped using Windows so no idea what they are like now

    • @sourcepie@lemmy.worldOP
      2 years ago

      I’ve seen a quick video about it on YouTube from a reputable Windows security YouTuber. Can’t remember which exactly, probably “ThioJoe” or “The PC Security Channel”. I wrote the softwares name down a long time ago and decided to give it a try today.

      • Jee
        12 years ago

        That’s a mistake, always gotta be updated when it comes to these things and look up recent videos for suggestions instead. If you haven’t already, make sure to delete everything comodo related from every nook and corner.

    • @eezeebee@lemmy.ca
      62 years ago


  • Schwim Dandy
    442 years ago

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dapibus id ex a elementum. Donec finibus sapien id rutrum iaculis. Nulla maximus, erat nec vulputate iaculis, leo dolor elementum lectus, eget facilisis felis sapien in ex. Sed scelerisque eget ipsum sed sollicitudin. Mauris molestie tempus ultrices. Nullam et dui aliquam, pulvinar diam vel, condimentum eros. Vivamus luctus gravida elit vitae rutrum. Phasellus maximus est bibendum turpis tincidunt, a interdum sem faucibus. Vivamus a facilisis tellus. Vestibulum cursus suscipit leo nec imperdiet. Aenean et nibh non dui semper posuere.

    Praesent a lacus ipsum. Nullam sollicitudin faucibus leo. Nunc bibendum eros elit, a ullamcorper risus luctus vel. Duis maximus augue ut sem interdum, et aliquet est congue. Vestibulum porta porta sem nec elementum. Suspendisse in ante eget quam sollicitudin euismod. Donec rhoncus magna nibh. In eget venenatis massa. Proin interdum nulla turpis, ac mattis lorem tempus eu. Nulla consectetur mi vitae nunc dignissim tincidunt. Cras condimentum ante ac nisl convallis, sit amet convallis sem mattis.

    Morbi erat diam, bibendum tempus mattis id, tristique at ligula. Aliquam blandit rhoncus urna, ut vulputate felis tempor vitae. Nunc dapibus leo eget pellentesque tristique. Vivamus leo eros, aliquet et aliquam vitae, vulputate non sapien. Nullam porttitor libero et pretium vehicula. Proin efficitur lacus in nulla dapibus tincidunt. Integer eu dolor felis. Nullam nec ante at arcu gravida hendrerit. In commodo, sem eu rhoncus convallis, nisl sem auctor metus, dignissim congue felis urna eu erat. Vivamus magna felis, efficitur a dui sit amet, vehicula mollis arcu. Pellentesque sit amet gravida neque, vitae vestibulum massa. Mauris venenatis nisl at tempor elementum.

    Nullam vel fringilla diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lacus nisi. In dictum sem mollis purus scelerisque, ac tristique tellus consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla quis aliquet lacus, in laoreet ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi turpis magna, eleifend at nunc id, pretium posuere sapien. Integer luctus dui et neque lacinia feugiat. Aliquam justo diam, cursus quis purus vel, gravida sagittis elit. In eleifend aliquam suscipit. Donec erat eros, lacinia at cursus nec, dignissim eget augue. Vivamus volutpat eros eu faucibus tempus. Mauris porttitor risus leo, ut congue neque eleifend id. Quisque at lacinia lacus.

    Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed elementum nibh. Sed quam leo, mollis et ipsum sit amet, porttitor rutrum ligula. Nulla erat lectus, pulvinar a ornare vitae, tempor sit amet mi. Nulla aliquam quam a turpis laoreet bibendum. Donec interdum sit amet diam sit amet consectetur. Curabitur in lorem volutpat, maximus enim eu, pretium nisi. Cras eu felis orci. Mauris tincidunt, neque non gravida ornare, dui felis tincidunt purus, sed imperdiet ipsum quam sed mauris. Sed velit erat, dapibus a finibus et, euismod eget sapien. Aenean ac nibh eget est consectetur volutpat ut vel est. Integer et pharetra tellus. In mattis felis nec tempor eleifend. Nam condimentum et sem a lacinia.

    • @doyadig@lemmy.world
      112 years ago

      If anyone’s wondering. The text above is actually a placeholder commonly known as “Lorem Ipsum” and is used in the design and typesetting industry. It doesn’t have a specific meaning or translation because it consists of scrambled Latin words and doesn’t form coherent sentences.

  • Supernovae
    442 years ago

    My response would be “This must be illegal under GDPR”

          • Ready! Player 31
            82 years ago

            Doesn’t matter if you volunteered it, they still have to treat it responsibly.

            • @Ansis100@lemmy.fmhy.ml
              -22 years ago

              Wait a minute, you’re saying that in every web input field I develop, I have to create checks to make sure the entered value isn’t personal data? Boy, that will add quite a bit of work.

              • Ready! Player 31
                52 years ago

                If you hold any data about people in Europe then that falls under GDPR, regardless of what the data is. It does get more complex if they data is sensitive or confidential.

      • @BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca
        12 years ago

        I’ll defend everybody’s right to run Arch or Manjaro then they are in full control of what software runs on their kernel.

      • @rhythmicotter@midwest.social
        62 years ago

        What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

    • @Dexx1s@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      32 years ago

      Exactly what my first thought was, but I’d just paste the whole thing in again, just for good measure.

  • @IntrepidIceIgloo@lemmy.world
    292 years ago

    My laptop was bundled with McAffee’s garbage software, their uninstaller DOES NOT work. They have a tool to get rid of their software on their website but the links were down and when I finally downloaded it, it didn’t fully uninstall it. Revo uninstaller wasn’t able to get rid of it either, it’s like a rootkit! I was only able to get rid of it by contacting McAffee and talking to their tech support

  • @Madnessx9@lemmy.world
    292 years ago

    Isn’t the option above “other”, “I don’t want to use it” or something along those lines? just tick that? Never found these to be that annoying. Just pick at random and be done with it.